New Year college course

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

It's time to look through those prospectuses again. I want to teach IT skills. Sadly, my teaching qualification needs upgrading. I have to do a course called City & Guilds 7407. I can do it part-time. But it needs teaching hours, practice on real live, trembling in my presence, students! But can I get paid work to teach these lovely creatures? Nooooo. So, it's over to voluntary work.

I already tried a place called the Hope Foundation, a charity, and didn't like it. The heid bummer was surly and unwelcoming, from the Cerberus school of charm. Yesterday I phoned the Riverside College in Thornaby. And they welcomed me with open arms. So I can get my teaching experience there. Unpaid. SOB.

Still, at least it will get me on the teaching course that I need. Riverside College has a much better range of software than the Middlesbrough College, where I've been studying this term. And a better range of IT courses that I could teach. So it will be a good help for me to be able to improve my IT skills. And, hey, maybe they will like me so much that they'll give me paid work sometime in the future?

Belts will be worn tight for the next year. Again.

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