June 19

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Tuesday - all ready????

We got our new puppy - a little female Border Collie now named May - on Saturday. She's just 6 weeks old and has come to live with her grandmothers, Sadie and Mollie. Mollie at 13 doesn't have much use for a grandpuppy, but Sadie is ecstatic with her. I brought May out in the yard yesterday to play with Sadie and Tom and Jess. Jess is hesitant - pupppies have sharp claws and she's going through her 'afraid of animals' stage, but Tom had a ball chasing May and Sadie around and finding sticks of an approppriate size for May's baby teeth.

The haying is almost done the first time around. Two small fields to bale for bedding. Our younger daughter Melissa is coming home on Thursday and Stan wants to be done so that if she has any free time over the weekend, he'll be able to spend it with her.

I've been trying to get a spot cleared out for some everlasting flowers - hope to get them in today. Tom and Jess will be here again while their mom works on her paper for the class she's taking. Busy day - cookies, gardens, hay, kids, puppies...

Take care, everyone,

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