gazebo vines

Tucson, AZ

I live in Tucson AZ where it freezes occasionally in the winter and is in the 100s in the summer. Cat's Claw would cover Gazebo very quickly and do ok but I am wondering if there are any highly fragrant and hopefully waftingly fragrant vines that would also cover my Gazebo but wouldn't die in the sometimes frosted winters here. Also, would any varieties of fragrant passionvines do ok to plant on my fences but wouldn't completely die in the winter without protection. Thank you.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Pink Jasmine is a beauty. Only blooms in the spring but would cover nicely. Mine has never been affected by freeze & we just came out of a 2 week period of night temps in the 20's. And the smell! WOW!!! My neighbors come over to just inhale. LOL
Here is a picture of mine in bloom.

and here is a link to read a bit about it.

Thumbnail by PudgyMudpies
Tucson, AZ

Do you have yours in total sun or part shade?? Love your vine. Joanie

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Full sun. I used to have it in a part shade area and it did fine. Another thought, I have clematis & pandorea vine mixed together up the legs of my canopy & they look really nice together. They were not effected by the weather either. I expected them to freeze but nothing.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

oh my its pretty and i see big too. does it root easy to get that big or is it all runners? i have a great big ugly fence i want to cover besides blocking the neighbors view.

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