An evening with Gervase Phinn

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I decided to take an evening off last night. I had noticed that the writer Gervase Phinn was appearing locally. For those of you haven't heard of him, he's a writer from Yorkshire who has written several books about his experiences as a School Inspector in the Yorkshire Dales. He displays an obvious love for his work and for children. He recounts many humerous anecdotes about the children and his life. It's very much in the style of Alf Wight (James Herriot).

I've bought several of his books and thoroughly enjoy his writing. I wish I could write something similar!!!! I would love to write an autobiography of my experiences going back to uni to retrain, and based strongly round my jaunts on the North York Moors which have played so large a part in my life for the last years. Seeing Gervase Phinn in action seemed a good idea!!!

I got to the Town Hall in plenty of time. So strange to see it again so soon after my graduation day!!!! There was a good sized audience there, of mixed ages. Gervase Phinn turned out to be a middle-aged man, greying slightly, fairly tall and well-built (I think he used to play rugby!) - quite a bear of a man!!! Full of confidence and with a strong voice. He was brilliant!!! Incredibly funny!!! He had us all in fits!!!! Looking round I could see people wiping their eyes. The hall wss full of the sound of gusts of laughter.

He seemed to perform his anecdotes, rather than just recite them. He would become a small girl with a thin, piping voice, looking up at his teacher. Then he would transform himself into a middle-aged lady teacher with a bossy and polite voice. Then he would become a wriggling little boy!!! It was sooo good!!!! His books don't show his full gifts.

After it had finished I queued up for his book signing. I wanted to ask his advice on the possibility of my writing up my own story. So, clutching my book, which he signed, I explained that I was a lady who had beaten life-threatening illness and gone back to uni to retrain, helped by my walks on the North York Moors. He was very polite and helpful. He told me that publishers like humour. He said I should write anyway, even if it didn't get published, but that I should also send it off to publishers. I said to him that I had also been on that stage the Town Hall myself recently for my awards ceremony for my Master's. All of a sudden I had his full attention. You were here? Teesside? he asked, looking at me closely. Yes, I said. He extended one paw, and shook me by the hand warmly!!! How polite!!! What a charming gentleman!!!

Here's a link about him:,,0_1000048132,00.html?sym=QUE

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

What a memorable evening!!
Good for you getting up there and chatting to him. He sounds a fantastic character :)
The idea for a book of your own sounds really good Diane! It would also lend itself to serialisation I should think. Have you considered submitting to a magazine or similar? I don't know the relative merits of that v book, or perhaps both would be a possibility?

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh Diane, How thrilling to meet the man. I think you should think seriously what he said about sending some of your writings to publishers. Truthfully, I wish he could have asked you to send a sample of some of your work to him! Just so he could critique it. Oh well, I can dream for you!!! Doris

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Wouldn't that be great if they made his books into a tv miniseries like ''all creatures great and small''...we never missed one episode and my boys loved it...they grew up on it..I think every child should have that kind of fun learning [ and being taught]...
Will have to look out for his name and books...
How very interesting for you to be able to talk to him too Diane, and what a pleasure for you..remember the humour, I think it is needed these days like never before! ...

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you all! Yes, it was marvellous meeting him!!!! He's been on tv, on the "Esther Rantzen Show". I hope they televise his books. He's a lovely man, a real gentleman.

I'm hoping to write up my jaunts eventually - or at least the part of my life starting from my first trip to Farndale up to my Graduation Day. Time is the enemy though - it might take a year or two.

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