
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Should clematis be cut back? It is growing up a trellis at our new house and also into the walkway of an arbor and then is also covering the greenhouse roof. I realize we need to cut it back from the greenhouse and the walkway, but what about the part growing up the trellis? Do we just leave that part?

Have never had one of these before!


Gwen - it depends on what kind of clematis you have. I chop mine down each year and bury it on top of the roots to create fresh mulch. There are three different varieties of clematis and some should not be cut back. It sounds like yours could use a good cutting back though, no matter what kind it is. You can try this website to id your plant, if you don't already know what it is -

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I think what I'll do is cut it back off the greenhouse and also from the walkway and then wait to find out exactly what it is. The previous owners of the house, who put all this stuff in is going to come over and tell us what everything is and how to take care of it. Actually, their daughter put everything in. She used to work at a nursery. She is going to come with them. I can't wait to talk to them!


That's great - hopefully you'll have a good chance of identifying your clematis with her help. Here's mine (2 varieties together) from this past summer. Not to show off (yeah right), but to add a little summer to a dreary cold day (here anyway!).

Thumbnail by
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

That's beautiful! I love it when two varieties are planted together. I know mine has either a second variety or another type of plant as there are two different plants intertwined. I can't wait to see how it blooms out.

Yours is lovely. I hope it's in a spot where you can see it from your house. (Mine isn't.) The rental we're in right now is next door to a house that has them growing up the railing and we can see it from our kitchen/breakfast nook and also from our dining room, which we use as a library. I love them.


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