Idea for 'container' Strawberries

Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I once saw a pic of a 'vertical' piece of pvc pipe with metal legs to keep it up-right and holes drilled all over the pvc pipe to hold lots of strawberrie plants (sorry -- I dont have a pic) ........ so I'm thinking, why not have a 'vertical' pvc pipe with holes, tied to other pvc pipe vertically with strong rope and hang them all one after the other on something strong (metal poles ?) for a 'wall of strawberries'? Has anyone ever done something like that? I have limited 'sun' space so I think I'll try it this spring. Jill

Hampstead, NC(Zone 8a)

Sounds like a GREAT idea Jill....some memory is tickling me - I think something similar was posted here.....anybody recall it?


Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I think I meant to say ' horizontal' pvc pipe tied one after the other. I'm just not sure what I would use to hold them up, I'm sure they would be quite heavy if more than 1 were used. I guess I have pleanty of time to think about it!

Hampstead, NC(Zone 8a)

Jill: just came across the images that your idea reminded me of. look at the Park Seed Catalog (and perhaps even on their website but haven't checked) and look up Growin Bags for strawberries.


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