Growing trees for seed??'s

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

How do I start them?
Inside or winter sow them outside?
Most grow in my zone.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Jody,

I'm an hour up the road from you, near New Salem. We grow most of our seedlings by planting the seed in fall and overwintering the flats in a cold greenhouse. But some species have special requirements, like enduring periods of warm or cold moisture (stratification), or having their seed coats scraped or cracked (scarification), or soaking for a day or two prior to planting, or cleaning off all the pulp or other debris before planting.

If you have a lot of seed and little time to look each species up on the web or at the library, plant them all now. Then place the pots or flats in a cool area just above freezing until spring. Most of them will respond well to that.

Guy S.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

working on it now,still winter sowing get the tree's started they take much longer,lol

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Jody,
I've started various trees from seed in the winter. In the basement and also an apple at the office. Coworker was being smart and after eating his lunch gave me the seeds and said "...grow this!" One sprouted, grew till it was bent under the fluorescent, went home in a pot for awhile then went out back and became my sacrificial lamb for trying espalier. It bloomed for the first time last year.

This year I have Chinese Red and Water birches growing and also one Pagoda Dogwood up.

I've also sprouted / grown on multiple conifers.
Usually start them in Dec/Jan.
I just received a few cones from an powder blue Blue Spruce at my mother's in CO. Got a few seeds out of them and hopefully at least one sprouts.

Good luck.

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