Canadian Roundup part 3 /29 Nov/2004

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Time to start again. Getting too long to download.

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

OK, here's the latest list of "who's coming to dinner" Victoria April 1-5th 2005

OldFlowerGirl (Donna) Castlegar, British Columbia
jagonjune (Lynne) Edmonton, Alberta & Anne
MG99 (Linda) Victoria, British Columbia
spklatt (Shannon) Gatineau, Quebec
Roselaine (Elaine) North Vancouver, British Columbia
brugcrazy (Jeanne) Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Heatherbelle (Heather) Victoria, British Columbia
inanda (Ginny) Winnipeg, Manitoba
Lilypon (Pam) and DD Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
Paradise (Ingrid) Quebec
yumiko Nanaimo, BC
Sunrise (Dawn) Vancouver BC
Solomon (Lana) N. Vancouver BC
Nightowl2 (Sandy) Campbell River BC

Liz (probably)

ggd (Glenda)

Regrets, and will be missed:
Ceedub (Christine)Ont
Lazygirl1 (Anna)
Weezingreens AK
Todd_Boland (Todd) St. John's NF
PanamonCreel (Milan) Dorval QC
perrynguyen (Perry) Montreal QC
Songbird 839 (Brenda) Medicine Hat AB
durtcom (Susan) SE of Calgary AB
Kooger (Laura) and her sister, Inwood IA USA
Rikerbear (Marc) and Honey bear, Seattle USA

Monika's Book "Engelstrompeten"

Anyone else that's interested please jump in! :D

Since the last thread was getting a bit's a new one for plotting and planning.

Just a word of planning for all of you planning on staying in Victoria, and flying out here. I noticed on the news tonight, that the 2005 WORLD curling championships are here in Victoria, April 2-10 2005. I'm thinking that you should be making reservations PDQ.

Are people interested in going to watch some world class curling? I haven't yet scoped out the price, I thought they'd be too much for my blood, but I will check if folks want to go.


[] is a link to get the B&B's for Cordova Bay, which is about 5 min from our house. they range in price from ~60/night to ~150. There are more, I'll get them here as well. I think some places, if you are staying for 4-5 nights, you may be able to negotiate a cheaper price.

This place is about 5 minutes away, and they have 2 double beds in each room, so some of you guys may want to cost share. Looks good.

Here's a web site with more to choose from. []

Cheryl was jusk asking me what I was doing, and when I told her I was telling you guys about B&B's, she said "let them know they are expensive" The high season price for most starts May 1st.

If you contact the places, ask them how far they are from either Mount Doug, or Gordon Head. Those are the 2 places of reference for distance that people will know. We live in Gordon Head, about 4 blocks from Mount Doug. Heatherbelle, (Heather) is also in Gordon Head, about 5 min. away.


This message was edited Dec 27, 2004 7:07 PM

This message was edited Dec 28, 2004 12:42 PM

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

linda is it possible for you to get ingrid to the ferry terminal on the morning of the 5th

west jet return flights were already booked out of victoria but managed to get her on one from vancouver so she will have to foot passenger it on the ferry and then get to the airport

and my friend Anne is definitely coming; booked her flight tonite as well

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Lynn your an amazing person how you take care of everything! I 'am Very greatful...
Be Blessed, Ingrid

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Linda, besides Weezi's regrets, I also got a a reply from Sandy130 from Abbotsford, who is such a nice gal and admits to lurking. Hopefully I have talked her into popping in to say Hi. Unfortunately, she is unable to attend either. Wonder how many other nice folks are out there....lurking!

Pickering, ON(Zone 5b)

I guess I am guilty of lurking most of the time. That should change as time goes by....I did send my regrets in the last forum........


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Okay, invites have been sent to everyone east of B.C., who has not already RSVPed. Donna, were you still interested in inviting some BC folks? I can keep going, but not til's bed-time. We have to get up early tomorrow to get to work ahead of the Bush-jam ;-O

Newfoundland - 1
Nova Scotia - 1
New Brunswick - 1
Quebec - 4
Ontario - 24
Manitoba - 2
Saskatchewan - 3
Alberta - 4
BC - 16

This message was edited Nov 29, 2004 11:00 PM

Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Most anything is possible Lynne. We'll get Ingrid to the ferry on the morning of the 5th. What time is her flight out of YVR? (Sorry for talking about Ingird like you aren't even here)


Abbotsford, BC(Zone 8a)

Yes i am a bad one for lurking but do enjoy reading the forum!.....heres a HI and hope you guys have a good time in Victoria, sounds like you got quite a bunch going to a great hope you gals have fun in April....


Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Shannon, I invited all of the BC folks today. I have only heard back from 1 that being Sandy. Hopefully I'll hear from more of them in the next couple days.

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Hi there Sandy, Nice to see you visiting. Wanted to ask you what you grow in your Garden? Abbotford's is great growing country.

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Gee, I wonder what time Ingrid has to be on the ferry on the 5th. I have to be at the airport for my flight out at 9:10 in the morning. It would be nice if we were on the move at the same time.

Abbotsford, BC(Zone 8a)

Hi Donna,

well i am more of the indoor gardener although i do have some winter pansies that only some decided to bloom for me...not sure why the others aren't and some crocuses i planted in october that figured it was a good time to come through the ground...another mystery for maddening though!..I just moved into a small townhouse from a condo this year and my outdoor gardening has been limited so, i think i will keep reading the forum to get some planting tips for the spring....and I am counting down and can't wait for spring to arrive......

How about you Donna, whats happening in your garden in Castlegar?....must be getting chilly there these days or hows the weather been?


Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

flight leaves YVR at 1pm so you would be the best one to know what ferry she has to be on to make connections

this is quite remarkable you know

it seems like a year ago i was threatening to go pick Pam up and drive to the coast just so we could see Liz's brugs and now there's an actual RU and lots of Canadians from all over that are members and it getting kind of exciting

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Linda - I know I need to lose weight but I don't think I'm quite the size of two people (yet)! Check your list up top... lol

I think it was Brugie or TLC that had a good suggestion for the IA RU which I'll repeat - those attending, sign all your posts with your given name so that they are somewhat familiar by the time the RU rolls around. Just a suggestion... :)

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Thanks Linda for adding message. You'll have to tell me how you did it. I tried to copy & paste but couldn't make it work. Will have a lesson from Echoes next time I see her.

Excitement here today. Going to go-see a VW westfalia. A friend wants it out of her driveway so maybe, just maybe, I'll have another project.
Inanda aka Ginny

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks for inviting the BC folks, Donna! :-)

There was a minor Bush-jam on the way to work this morning - lots of people had the same idea, of getting to work early, before he arrives. Tomorrow he's leaving during morning rush hour, so that should be fun too.


Victoria, BC(Zone 8b)

Laura, did I get it right this time?? LOL, I bet you wish you could be 2 places at one time sometimes.


Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Hi Sandy,

There are lots of options for a small backyard garden such as you'd have in a townhouse. I have been in your position as well. Container gardening would work well for you. I am sure you have checked out that forum here at DG. You can get small pond set-ups as well. I have seen some gorgeous 100-150 gal ponds. If you've got the will, you'll have a wonderful garden where ever you are. Good Luck with it!

The weather here has gradually gotten cooler over the past couple weeks. We have had a gorgeous fall so far. The snow we've gotten on a couple occasions has melted in a matter of hours. The temperatures in the my area stay pretty close to Zero all winter with lows from -5 to -7 in the coldest months. So far, The coldest we've had is -4. I love the weather here, after living in Edmonton, AB, this is heaven! Gets a little hotter than I am used to in the summer (I know you know all about that in Abbottsford) we get temps similar to the Okanagan. I love that the winters are that much shorter here which makes for more enjoyable time in the Garden! :D

Nice chatting with you Sandy. Have a great day.

Thumbnail by OldFlowerGirl
Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Oops, Sorry Linda & Ginny, it has just dawned on me that I posted that message to Sandy in RU planning thread. I should have started another one, Sorry. :(

Abbotsford, BC(Zone 8a)

You have gotten some pretty chilly temps there!....but yes, i am sure its far warmer than Edmonton....the fun of planning what your going to plant in the spring is great....I am looking forward to it....And i think i strayed from being on topic to begin with so i will end it and let you gals make more plans!....have a good day too Donna, bye for now


North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Sandy, welcome to the forum! Well, speaking of weather, here in the Lower Mainland, one day is was freezing and the next, warmer and raining...We were in Fort Langley, yesterday, as my son's family lives there and the ccccccccoooooooooooooooooollllllllllldddddddddddddddd! Yes, the roundup is lookin' good! Elaine

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Yup, looks good, Linda.

Also received regrets, wish I could come... from:

and a few others that have already posted on this or #2 thread.

Abbotsford, BC(Zone 8a)

HI Elaine,

thanks for the welcome....I prefer the warmer, rainy version to the cold, freezing and snow you can tell i was born here on the lower mainland.....yeah yesterday was a chilly one...even crazy enough to go for a long walk and was still cold after i finished....hopefully you guys will get some good weather for your round up......


Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

OK, I have a new topic to discuss with you RU people. I talked to Linda about it already and she suggested I get a feel from all of you about it. What do you think of a RU T-Shirt as a souvenir and momento of our Roundup? Cost would probably be around $15 a piece. Please post and give me your opinion about this. It could look something like this:

Thumbnail by OldFlowerGirl
Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Looks nice! I have too many t-shirts already...could we go with a cap or something? Or, how about a nice, tough canvas bag for our grocery/flower shopping? Can never get enough of those.
I'll buy a t-shirt, tho', if there are enough of us. Thanks for the suggestion!


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

A shirt or canvas tote bag would be a lovely idea! Personally I loved the flower that the old Dave's Garden had tho. But would be pleased to have either.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

t or bag would be great

suggest first ever canadian .....

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Yeah, first ever would be cool! There'll never be another first.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

just rather not have a white t-shirt - can't play in the dirt with them. :)

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

If we do end up going with a T-shirt, it could be light green...or heather grey...or beige...or light blue...

Bryson, QC(Zone 4a)

Light blue sounds nice..I'am in on the T-Shirt.
Best Regards, Ingrid

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Def. not white. I'll go for a dark T (doesn't show dirt so much). Might even be ableto wear a dark one for more than 20 mins. vbg

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Here's an interesting link, for ideas. Just for curiosity's sake, I ran a search for canvas bags; the results are at the second link. I'd be equally happy with a T-shirt, or whatever everyone wants to get.

[2nd link edited out]

Never mind, the 2nd link doesn't work directly from a hyperlink - but you can run a search using all sorts of different variables, & just leaving blank the ones that don't matter (or that look like Greek, in my case...)

This message was edited Dec 1, 2004 1:41 PM

Castlegar, BC(Zone 6b)

Thanks to those of you that did reply. It gives me an idea of the interest. Here's the deal. It wouldn't be a problem getting a t-shirt in color, but it is more expensive. The company that I got the quotes from would add $2.50 per shirt. The other problem is the only dark colors are a "Stone Green" which is kinda a mossy green color, or Gray. Both of which would be alright with me. There are lots of different colors too, blues, yellows, etc. Also, It is not a problem adding "First Ever..." either, and I think it's a great idea!

Now when Shannon suggested the Canvas tote bag, I was intrigued. I could picture myself hauling numerous plants and souvenirs in it. But it is a little harder to find a supplier that will only make up 12-15 bags. Usually the minimum is 25-50. I have a quote request in right now to a company in Ontario. We'll see what they say, eg, price etc. I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile keep those suggestions coming...

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Let me tell you a little secret. The BC liquor board sells lovely cotton totes for around $2.50 ea. We can each buy one of them for our toting around. vbg.

I don't care what colour the T shirts are. Just that I KNOW a white one stays clean about 20 mins with me.

Ginny, spending the family fortune buying CDs from Amazon today.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

vbg ?

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

very big grin and I don't care what colour either, just no white! Laura

North Vancouver, B.C, Canada

Please count me in for April 2005. I'll hopefully be tagging along with Sunrize and Roselaine, if they let me. Would love to get in on a t-shirt. Hope about Sage green? Lana.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Anoter lurker - welcome to DG and the canadian crazies!!

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