Is it possible to transplant a large Crepe Myrtle?

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

My father-n-law has an older large Crepe Myrtle that has lost its sun (the trees around it have made that spot shaddy year round. He wants me to transplant it to my yard. I would be happy to have another large Crepe Myrtle but all mine were grown from smaller plants. The tree in question has a trunk about 8 inches thick. So is it possible?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

They have an incredibly long taproot, so my guess is the biggest hurdle will be getting it out of its current planting hole.

Will it transplante readily? Probably - you can't hardly kill the things (We removed a large white CM three years fact, here's another thread where we discussed it:

Just be sure to plant it where you want it to stay forever and ever ;o)

High Springs, FL(Zone 8b)

I agree with Terry - getting it out will be the hardest part. If you have access to a tree spade or a small backhoe it would certainly do the trick. A few years ago my DH brought home some very old, multi-trunked specimens that were dug up from a job site. He cut a few feet off the tops for ease of transport, but they were still about 8 to 10 feet tall. They have done wonderfully well and bloom every year with very little attention.

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

Ummm, i have to tell you. About 6 years ago we needed to removed 3 large crepe myrtles. We didnt think we were going to keep them, so we werent very careful in moving them.
How we did it? We hooked a chain up to the back of the pickup, wrapped it around the tree and pulled...
As an afterthought, we scuffed up the ground and dropped the myrtles on top of it. They grew wonderfully and put on a show every year.
I sometimes have a very unusual way of doing things, lol

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I like your method lol what ever works.

Gulfport, MS(Zone 8a)

Just checked the old link that terry, i guess i moved 3 of them and we did dig holes for them.
THis CRS is getting to me, lol

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