My Graduation Day

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

At last!!! The day I’ve been longing for for so long. A cloudy day, but dry thankfully. I had an early lunch then put on my black interview suit and polished my shoes. Then I was off to the University!!

Outside the main entrance to the university I waited for my friend Gwen. She’s actually a friend of my sister’s, who I first met at my father’s funeral. One of the kindest people you could ever meet, with a big booming voice, and one or two eccentricities. At my father’s funeral she insisted on collecting up all the leavings of the meal in an enormous doggy bag. Made me take some away too!

Gewn was thrilled to pieces to be invited to my graduation ceremony. We went away into the main hall to collect my robes. A scarlet robe, a scarlet sash with trimmings, and a black mortar board with a red tassel. They were slightly on the large size so I spent most of day desperately hitching them up. I felt like an ennormous robin from the front of a Christmas card! I felt tremendously proud and emotional. Then Gwen and I went through to another room to have my photo taken by the official photographer. After that we went outside and Gwen took my photo again with my digital camera.

Next we walked along to the Town Hall, where the Awards Ceremony wasa to take place. Along the pavement walked several hundred other students. It was a wonderful sight to see all of us in our academic finery. So much hard work rewarded! So many students to fit into our seats and organise that the ceremony started an hour late. I sat with the other students - Gwen was up in the balcony with the other guests. I was in Row Z - right at the back. The awards would start with the Certificates and Diplomas first, then the degrees, and finally the Masters. No Ph.D’s in this particular ceremony.

Then, with a fanfare, the first procession started!!! Academic staff in their robes. Wonderful!!!!! Very solemn and glorious!!! After they have processed and sat down on the stage, the Vice-Chancellor made a short speech. After that the students lined up to collect their awards. I wiped away a few tears. It was a wonderful moment, as I sat there waiting to go up on stage. At last, it was time for me to go on stage. I passed one of my friends who was on one of my courses with me! He cheered me on. I went up the steps, making sure that my mortar board was firmly on, and looked out onto the stage, blinking in the lights. And here I was, bobbing onto the stage, handing over my name card to a lady behind a lectern. She announced me, and everyone applauded me!!!! I advanced across the stage, and the Vice-Chancellor smiled at me and shook my hand. Now I left the stage, and collected that magic certificate that tells everybody that I really and truly have a Master’s in Computing.

The last few students filed up behind me and the Vice-Chancellor made his closing speech. It was a beautiful ceremony!

Gwen and I met up outside again and made our way back to the university. Here I handed in my gown. Then we went on to the buffet that was organised for the graduands and guests. I saw several of my old lecturers here. I stopped and nattered with Elizabeth Norval (who tried to teach us Java), and Steve Green my project supervisor. I was pleased to see Steve, and discussed my career plans with him. I introduced Gwen to him.

Gwen was thrilled to be there. She’s started talking about doing a degree herself (she has a diploma). She enjoyed the buffet. So much in fact that I looked round and saw her making up another doggy bag. Two enormous platefuls of food go onto a couple of paper plates, accompanied by a black bin liner. I’m relieved to see that the waitresses have okayed it!! Then finally we walked back to her car, and she gave me a lift home.

What a wonderful day!!!!

Pickering, ON(Zone 5b)

The end of a chapter in your story book of life....Now onto the next chapter..... It can only get better from now on..

Congratulations and good luck for the future.


Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

That was a really neat post, Northerner. I felt like I was right there with you and Gwen, strolling around the campus, sitting in the Town Hall, walking up to the stage and across it. You have a gift with words! I could imagine you looking around, seeing if anyone was watching Gwen bag the leftovers... :)

Best Wishes in your future endeavors!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you both!!! It was a truly wonderful day!!

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