finding snow in January

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

We are trying to take a fast road trip in January, keeping it down to only 10-12 hours driving time at the most. We'd love to go find some snow. Does it always snow in the Mtns. of TN in January? Would that be the closest state to find snow?

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

If you can travel at a quick notice...we usually get snow in Jan...not all the time....but pretty regularly. The Ozarks get snow do the TN mountains.

You flatlanders might ought to be wherever you want to go before it comes down have a hard enough time driving on roads with hills....if you've never driven on's an eye opener.

Where you are planning to go....we have snow so infrequently, that lots of folks that live here don't drive well on it either.....and the snow falls on the roads just like it does on the fields and hills...usually in the Mid South...there is a layer of ice under it just for fun...heh,heh,heh...

We would love to have you up here for a visit...and if it's snow that will get you here...then let it snow!!!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

mel, we were thinking that wherever we would go that we wouldn't want to actually do the driving it in. If we should go to TN then we could stay somewhere at a lower elevation and then perhaps drive to a place where snow would be..maybe on a road that had been cleared? Is that good thinking? I know I wouldn't want to actually drive in the snow...that would be so scary for me esp. pulling a camper.

Thumbnail by justmeLisa
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

no gurantees, but in january, more than likely if you headed up through northern or north west arkansas , maybe even into southern missouri, you probably wont be disappointed, and probably the closest place from your home, traveling wise. and the roads are kept open through out the year hopeing the best for you robert , newton county arkansas

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

whats a puldeau doing up in zone 6?

is that puldeau as in 'pooldeaux'?


This message was edited Nov 24, 2004 8:05 PM

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

melisa, my wife and i moved up to arkansas a few years back, i worked at a chemical plant in good ole Baton Rouge and had some medical problems and the plant quickly realized i was a liability to them, so they ask if i would retire. doctors used a super huge word for a leakin blood vessel in brain which effected my comprension and ability to do my job, but didnt effect my decision to say " yes" to a retirement. any waywe had a daughter here in arkansas and a beautiful granddaughter, so we moved hereand so far, good. its a laid back place with out the stress that we both had down there. my beautiful, loving and adorable wife bestowed that " puldeau name" on me , and she also uses the english term" coot". she uses this web site also, and her name on here is " magpye", very quiet, reserved, and doesnt say a lot .ummmmm.. by the way, temp here now is hovering at 27 degrees and has been snowing for last 4 or 5 hours, ground still warm for snow to stick.. if i , or we can be on any help to yall with weather , snow, ice, just let us know and we will be more than happy to keep in touch with yall. sorry for long text.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

ahhh yeah, I remember your quiet and shy DW saying something about a coot..I know them as puldeau..glad to meet you pool-deaux, welcome to the garden.

So sad about what the plant did to you, but at least you came out on the good end...heck, I would mind living up your way, suppose I'd miss our food though.

We woke up to a very balmy 72* this a.m. but by 5 o'clock we were really chilly, I think it might get into the 50's tonight but back up to the upper 70's by the weekend. I've never seen snow, want to see it bad. We'd like to go try to find some this year but of course, we say that every year.

Build a snowman for me.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

puldeau - that probably means it's coming my way!!!1 Thanks for the advanced warning.

JustMeLisa - Good Luck with your trip.


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Hmmmm.....most times snow isn't too predictable in the Mid-South....where they forcast that it's going to fall and where it actually does, is sometimes a big surprise. (and sometimes it's ice instead)

We were supposed to get a little last night....but we didn't....didn't even get much of a frost...we haven't had a 'killing freeze' yard is still growing and I need to mow. You would have froze to death got down to 37*.......cold we can do......

Let's keep looking and watching....we can find Lisa some snow somewhere this year that she can drive to....I just know it!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Lisa, I'll try and remember to keep you abreast of our winter weather here on the NC/TN mountain line. Gatlinburg (TN) might be a good place to research. Cade's Cove is a huge National Trust preserve and there are many wonderful things to do besides the garish tourist things (although the outlets are quite numerous, like several miles of them). Camp sites are readily available, and it's just a short drive to higher elevations. It's maybe 3-4 hours from Atlanta if I remember correctly.

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

thank you all,
yep, Mel, this just has to be the year!

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

wow someone driving to FIND snow, I would rather drive to get OUT of snow, I never drive when there is snow and ice because I never learned how, and that ice under snow can be treacherus.


Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

kareoke, if you ever move to a place without snow you will soon find that you miss it. I know I do. ;)

Modi'in, Israel

John, me too! I miss it terribly! That's something that I LOVED in Calgary. But Kareoke, I did NOT like the ice crated by trampled snow that lovely neighbors refused to shovel (city by-law that within 24 hours of a snow-fall the sidewalk in front of yoru house MUST be cleared). Then the sun would shine beautifully making for a picture postcard view out the window.....til I went outside to walk to university...on that slick as snot sun-just barely touched ice on the sidwalks allt eh way to there! I fell down every single day at least once giong to or from school. But that is the ONLY thing I didn't like about the winters in Calgary. I would move back there in half a heart-beat if given a chance....regardless of the short growing season! LOL


Modi'in, Israel

Sorry for the hi-jack Lisa, but a question for Puldeau and Magpye and you too: do any of you speak Creole? And do any of you sound like the Cajun Cook ;-)? It's fun to put a face to a name, but I also like to put a sound to a name too. do you ever notice how when you read posts online, even if you know that person speaks with a different accent than your own, that you read it with your own accent? At least I do. I think it's fun to know what someone sounds like when they speak. It just makes the interaction that much more personable! :-) (BUT, I always felt like I was in a foreign country when I'd visit my aunt's family near Baton Rouge when I was a little girl LOL)


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

They sound like Yankees in Baton Rouge compared to Lisa.....believe me....I also thought that I sounded Southern.....NOT!

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

lol! I wasn't going to say anything :0)

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

morning julie. 10 30am here. how are you? as far as the dialets of the Louisiana people, there are different areas of Louisiana that speak french with different tones. the language was at one time was pretty much pure parisian french, but through out the years, alot of slang has been intergrated into the language watering it down very much. My great grand mother spoke french very well, but during my early years, it wasnt a necessity for us to learn. For as ' YANKEES", wey up dere in shrevesport is wher dey at. Yes, there is a diversity in La., protestant North, and Catholic south
I worked with a lot of french folks in Baton Rouge and a lot of folks from out of state, and yes, ya can tell dem cajuns from dem " yankees". hey!! by the way, hear you are a writer, ' Tell des canjuns all bout you self and you work, please. take care, puldeau

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

evening melisa, didnt mean to temporarily hijack your thread. sorry for the rudeness.yes, we do miss some things about Louisiana, esp the fresh seafood, and the duck hunting. all seafood is shipped in here from points unknown and its just not cooked the same. everthing is pre cooked and has a " no" taste ya caint put ya finger on. by the way, almost went to nichols state there in thibodaux, but wound up at southeastern in hammond used to fish down arround lake palourde and verret. non of that type fishin here, plus these arkansans are sure proud of their fish, dont want ya to catch more than ya can count of ya ten fingers at a time and some they dont want ya to catch at all. and the crawfish here dont burrough in the ground for the winter, they go under rocks. my wife mentioned yall were in a business for ya selves, may i ask what kind of business yall have? do a little wood work here, but not any thing major. ps, send community coffee. he he take care... pooldeaux

Brewers, KY(Zone 6b)

we have a landscaping business and I am a vendor at our local farmers market.
do you really need some community coffee? I can send you some if you want. let me know.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

melisa, thank you so very much for the offer on sending the coffee. we are planning a trip down that way about the middle of this weekand will restock on the things a person caint find here. usually do a trip there least once a year to see all the folks . hope your landscape business is doing well and ya are enjoying the farmers market. again, thank you so much for the offer..........pooldeaux

Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

You can come stay with us in Jan. If we don't have it here a short drive up around Lake Erie would produce what you want. However we are an 18 hour drive for you all. You can fly though. I would be glad to take a weeks vacation to go snow hunting.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Howie, chances are pretty good you'll have a yard full of the stuff come January.

Darius I visited Cades Cove once upon a time in the early 70's and remember it as a right pretty place.

Lisa,Fear not we shall find you snow. hee hee if it doesn't find you.

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