Gall Mites

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Does anyone know anything about Gall Mites. I have a friend who lives in Northern Calif who is having a problem with this. I would like to help her out. She has a Fuchsia that was given to her by her father, and planted in the ground here Sebastopol for 28 years. She has never cut it, but just let it grow up and entwine itself in the mock orange tree. It's been healthy and hearty, these many years, but then..this year she bought some butterfly bushes (Buddleia) to attract butterflies. Her fuchsia began to get "gnarly leaves". I did a search and it seems that the Buddleia attracts hummingbirds (which it did) and they carry the gall mite. The only information I could find to control the gall mites said, "..use gloves, cut down the fuchsia, burn it and the gloves and disinfect everything you've touched".

My question:
Is there any alternative that you know of that can save the fuchsia? Will a frost kill the little buggers, I mean gall mites?

Thanks guys...


So many gall mites.. so little time. Is your friend in a position to post a few photos as cutting down and burning the fuchsia might be somewhat drastic. I'm thinking horticultural oil products applied properly and timely might be worth a try.

Frost won't kill all of the little buggers!

As far as the hummingbirds, that particular gall mite may also be spread by bees, insects, hands, and wind as well as by hummingbirds.

Interesting article-

Au Gres, MI(Zone 5a)

Equilibrium..........thank you so much for this wonderful information......did not know there was an American Fuchsia Society.....will pass this information to my friend.....She lives in Northern Calif.....and will try to get some pictures for you in a day or so....


Hiouchi, CA(Zone 8b)

the instructions you read are close
Gall mite is a problem in the pacific north west
i also got Gall mite & after a lot of looking found a solution that seems to work for me
the important thing is you have to get the mites & the eggs it takes multiple sprayings to do so
i used sevin
here is the site with the info


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