Hanging baskets 101?

Greenback, TN

Is anyone willing to teach me how to make these from the bottom up? I can submit a list of questions for ya...I have tons. :)

North Saanich, Canada

Here's some info that might be of use to you. Victoria is well known for it's hanging baskets. They are absolutely everywhere!!!



San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Lots of folks here addicted to hangers. What do you need to know?

Greenback, TN

for a 14" basket what is a good number of plants to use for a cascading effect? Like allyssum or wave petunias...

does anything get too bushy? what are the best selctions for plants?

How do the moisture retention crystals work?

How often do you water?

How often do you replace the cocomat liner if you use that? What other things can you use? Burlap? Moss?

How many inches is a good length for the basket to hang?

hehehe, sorry. I told ya I had lots and I still have more :D

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Maybe I can help! Even though I use my hanging baskets for tomatoe growing , I can give you some advice. Definetly use the moisture crystals but don't overdo it. Use only two teaspoons AS THEY DO EXPAND and if you use to much they will rise to the top of your basket and form a slimy gel. A hanging basket must be watered daily depending upon the present humidity. Today I had to water mine twice for it was a low humidity day.(Just Beautiful) So it depends on your clime. As for the coco mat replace when soil starts dripping out with the water. Two or more years. You can hang them as long or as short as your space and your plant permits.Exp: You don't want a 20" plant hanging from a 12" chain. Use your own judgement. You really can't make a mistake, they will look beautiful no matter what!
As previously stated I grow tomatoes in mine, one's developed for hanging baskets. I have a stand that holds two 14" baskets and another that holds four 14" baskets. I grow various
color tomatoes(red ,yellow, green) and also dwarf size plants for hanging baskets and all are in plain view of the public and the color co-ordination is very stunning. I make quite a few friends this way. A good conversation peice because this is so new and unusual.
Hope I haven't bored you with all this. You really don't have to worry. We are all here to help you along the way........

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's my tip...with some of my coco fiber planters I add a plastic plate with a few holes punched in the bottom of it. It helps it retain water a little longer. It will also allow you to go a day or maybe 2 without watering and it keeps the bottom of the planter from decaying quite so fast...

I have one big Maco fern growing in a 14 inch basket but it depends on the actual mature size of the plant as to how many you put in the original planting.

Some of my bromeliads I can grow more than one type in and on my angel wing begonias I grow one plant type per basket.

I don't think there are any plants you can't grow in a hanging basket..lol
I've even grown pond plants in them..like water hyacinth...lol

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi TammyTN
I made these hanging baskets last year.
I planted the Mimulus grown from the cuttings on March 25.
The picture below was taken on May 3 when they were in full bloom.
Hoping these will be of some help.


Thumbnail by Tomtom

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