Varmits in my NEW greenhouse! Help!


My Rion 40 has been up for three weeks, and is full of shelving and pots. Until today, I have been very happy as the auto vents opened each warm day, and all was well. Today,after some water drained from a pot, up popped a sputtering chipmunk from my pebble edging. There were five holes lined up just inside the house, and one shelf leg had sunk into one, and was no longer level.
Usually I try to work with nature, but what will come of overwintering these varmits? Will more and more holes appear? Advice, please!!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Since there have been no other responses, I thought the least I could do would be say I'm sorry!! We have a terrible problem with mice since we are located in the middle of the woods. The make nexts in the pots and eat the roots of the plants.

We don't have chipmunks so I don't know one thing about them, but I suggest you try one of the high frequency sound devices, perhaps it will drive them out!!


barrington, IL(Zone 5a)

polly, i've used those "high frequency gizmos" and they are not very effective. i don't have a greenhouse but what i do in my garden is hang up those free cd's you get in the mail for the internet, i also string christmas garland(the shininess scares them), i have several wind chimes for noise(if you put a fan in your greenhouse that should make enough wind) and as a last resort i put a radio on tuned into the loudest heavy metal rock and roll i can find. don't use classical because they seem to like it. hope this helps. oops, i almost forgot. i have a store mannekin that i dress up and move around every few days. the mannekin is more for the deer than any of the other critters i have.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I checked Googles to see what chipmunks eat, and this is what one site said: "Most of the eastern chipmunks diet is made up of nuts, acorns, seeds, mushrooms, fruits, berries, and corn, but they also eat insects, bird eggs, snails and small mammals like young mice." It doesn't sound like they'd be eating up your plant roots, though I can't say for sure. Here's the site: Sounds like you won't have mice if you have chipmunks!


Thanks for your help!
The site is very interesting; my chipmunks are rather smart to have chosen a lodging that won't go below 50 F!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Polly, I suppose the stupid ones don't make it through the winter! Do you think they will be a great problem come nesting time in the spring?

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Naphthalene (moth flakes or moth balls) may be effective if liberally applied in confined places.

replellents from local nursery.

fox urine if available in your area. natural predator of them. so if they smell the fox they will leave.

yes they will eat young plants. easy acess in a greenhouse.

i love all animals.

but if you really dont want them or nothing works they make baits like mouse baits for them but me personally am agianst it as i have other animals to consider.

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