Solar shed usage

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Anyone have any experiences with the Solar Shed? I had one installed in the spring, and put my more tender plants in there last week, and the frost got them, when it got to 30 degrees at night, (though it was a bit warmer inside.) The installer doesn't give you any info other than if you use it for a greenhouse, to paint the inside walls white. It is not heated, but I thought I could keep plants in it til it got cold enough during the day, then I would bring them down into the basement. I just wondered if anyone used one of these with any luck. Doris

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Hi, I looked it up since I have not ever heard of it.

That is a nice looking shed.

Should do the trick for a season extender.


Lewiston, CA(Zone 7b)

Doris, I have a small greernnhouse. Just plastic & wood. It is not heated but I put several candles in on the nights I know it will be cold. Last year I kept it 40 with 6 candles in 19 degree temps. I buy votives at the dollar stores or sometimes you can buy big bags of them. I use reg. glass votive holder as it holds the melted wax in & burns longer. I buy plenty when I find them cheap, as they have a tendency to break when the candle burns to the bottom. (Be sure to remove the paper that is on the bottom of some candles.)
I have a gravel floor & nestle them down in the gravel so there is no threat of fire. I have done this for 2 years, it doesn't seem to hurt the plants.
You can also put a light in there & leave it on at night. In the late spring I drag a heater in there so I can start my seeds, so it will be a more constant temp. (you can see it in the pic.)
I'm building a large Green House this spring & it will be heated!
Good luck! Bj

Thumbnail by BjsBloomers
Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes Scooter, thats it. I have the extra 4 feet added to it. Of course I had to go and put my mandevillas, hibiscus, brugs, shrimp plant, clerodendrons, and others, thinking they would be OK when the temp went down in upper 20 s. Wrong. They are all in the family room now with their frozen leaves hanging down, and starting to turn brown. The main stems on the brugs look OK, but the shrimp plant and some of the hibiscus are not happy.
I knew this would be a season of experimenting, but as long as the day temps are in the 50s, I thought would be OK. I have the solar shades also that I can lower when the sun is too hot, temp inside hits 100 and above.
Bjs, thanks for the suggestions. I would have never thought candles since I have a wooden floor. I wonder if a large metal pan filled with gravel would work with the candles. Possibly running an electric cord out there for lamp or
small heater. I knew I could'nt use it all winter, but I thought until the ground froze hard and then maybe end of Feb start seeds. Now my mind is really thinking. thanks so much to both of you. My little brochure that they gave me gave me no ideas as how to use it for a greenhouse, but now I can notify them and see if its possible to install a heater some day, or must it be insulated.
Thanks again, Doris

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Bj, your greenhouse looks so nice, and the size of your plants! That is an electric heater there? Its nice having the gravel floor. Mine is about 6" above the ground so the floor is very cold also. You give me ideas about shelves. I just have one maybe 3 ft deep in front of the windows and 10 feet long. I think shelves like yours would hold more plants and they would be closer to the window. Thanks for all these ideas. Doris

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

You are loosing a major amount of heat by the shed being elevated.
See if you can skirt it somehow to seal it off.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Never thought of that. I'll mention to my son whjen he comes over Friday. I don't know why they built it up that high. My son had to build me a step so I could get in there! Good idea! Doris

barrington, IL(Zone 5a)

hi djm, i'm a neighbor down the road from you(barrington). go to costco in lake zurich and take a look at their electric heaters. also look at their metal shelves...great for plants!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Great! We just had a Cosco open at Randhurst near me. I've never been in one before. Actually I never planned to go in one either since I heard they sell caskets! My daughter can check out the one in Lake Zurich as she works out there. Thanks for the info.
Checking on the rest of the plants out there, I see the bower vines also got it. I overlooked them the other day while I was dragging in the big ones. Now I'm wondering how I can really use this greenhouse!

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