Dwarf Hinoki Cypress

Bend, OR

I just bought this tree and want to form it into a bonsai. I know very little about this art. I live in Central Oregon. I need to know how to start this project and how to then take care of my tree. I don't know anything about trimming the roots to stunt the growth. So if you could help me with these questions that would be great. I really want to get started and try this out.

Bend, OR

Is it bad to prune the tree and roots at the same time? Does the plant need recovery time between the two? When should you change sizes of pots and what size should you start with?

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

It would be bad to trim the roots and not the tree, not enough roots to support top growth. It is best to do a little of both at same time. Of course this depends on the tree, I have trimmed off 60-65% of the roots of my azaleas, with did the same with the top, they all came out ok.

Size to start with, depends on how large the tree is and how large the root ball is. You want at least 1-2" space on all sides of the root-ball. If the pot is too small, don't force the tree in nor try to cut more roots off so it can fit, you might kill the tree. It is better to use an oversize pot, then on your next repot use a smaller pot.

Palmyra, VA(Zone 7a)

Try taking about 10-15% off the roots, and do the same with the top. If it is in active growth, and if you are in a warmer area, it is best to wait.

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