Fountain Butterfly Bush in Container?

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, everyone. I was just wondering if anyone has seen/grown a fountain butterfly bush (Buddleia alternifolia) in a container. I don't have room in my garden for the mature size of this plant. Apparently it can get rather large, but I was thinking it would top out much smaller if grown in a container. Also, if I can grow one in a container I could use the bush at my entryway, which could be beautiful. Any info out there in DG? :) Thanks!

P.S. Also, any info on what size container to use and an appropriate planting medium would be much appreciated. I plan on purchasing a small plant and training it as a standard. Take care.


Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Hi Hugs! I haven't grown butterfly bush myself, but I do know someone who is growing a buddleia davidii in a pot. This is her second year with the plant; it's about 3'-4' tall now, and maybe half as wide. It's been in a 12" pot, but she plans to transplant next year to a 16" or 20". It's potted in either Miracle-Gro or Pro-Mix potting mix - my friend uses both, so not sure which was used for this plant. And I can be pretty sure she used those water-retention crystals in the mix. Oh, it grows really quite well in its southern-exposure spot - good late morning/early afternoon sun.

Also, she says that she will probably prune it after next year's growth - she wants it to be around 5' tall.

Hope this is helpful ....


Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks PV :) Do you know if she leaves the pot out in winter or takes special precautions to overwinter it?? Also, is it just a regular clay pot? Thank you! --Hugs

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Yes, it's left outdoors. She mulches the pot well, and pulls it back against the building for protection. And it's in one of those lightweight foam pots.


Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks so much PVick! I'll let you know if I start one next season :) Take care --Hugs

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

well you understand the regular clay pot will break or crack in the winter .. as the wet freezes and expands in the clays pores.. no doubt about it.. it's a gauaranteed occourance...
As far as the buddleia goes.. I've had a few of them.. they overwinter just fine outside in containers.. I grow them in a 12 " deep planter a few feet long.. wooden sides and bottom.. they do well.. except of the years I try and prune them too heavily.. I'm growing I think a Guenivere.. or some other Camalot name'd one they will accomodiate to whatever size they have to work with.. I had Black knight for years.. loved the dark flowers.. and the butterflies loved it also.. a real magnet for them... Gordon
Guenivere pictured

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks Gordon, appreciate the info ;) Did you grow a Buddleia davidii or a Buddleia alternifolia or both? I'm particularly interested in growing the weeping form (alternifolia) in a container. I know not to use the clay pot, but I don't really know what pot would be best for overwintering outdoors.

Mifflintown, PA(Zone 6a)

I grow mine in a container. I use the plastic pots that look like terra cotta.I stick mine somewhere a little protected for winter,prune in spring.This yr. i stuck mine in my basement window well. Im not sure what size my pot is. I know it needs watered quite often,maybe needs larger pot.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Oriole. Very useful info since we're the same zone :) I love these weeping forms. I'm planning on trying to train mine as a standard. Have you done that or is it more open and natural? I guess I need to get a fairly young plant to have a shot at a nice looking standard, any suggestions on a particular cultivar? Also, what kind of medium do you have in your pot? Thanks for the help! :)

--Hugs (Jacci)

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