The Cold Got My Adenium

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

My Adenium was doing fine, but I forgot about it a few nights ago when the temps dropped into the 30's. It's leaves have all turned brown and crispy, it's inside now, I brought it in as soon as I realized, is there any chance it might have survived? The plant itself is still firm. Should I take off the dead leaves? If I trim it back is there a chance it will come back? Any ideas???

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

Sorry about that, Deb. It may still be all right. It is common for the leaves to drop when the temperature drops. I would keep it warm and by a sunny window until spring. You can remove the dead leaves or let them fall off naturally. I would not cause additional stress by cutting it back at this time.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Clare, I will move it to a sunny window and keep my fingers crossed! I had been puting it out during the day and back in at night, but I think everything that needs to stay in is staying in, now! Had our first hard frost last night!

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

It should be fine, Deb. Just keep it dry to almost dry now that it's inside. It will probably go dormant, which means it will rot very easily if given too much water.

A good rule of thumb I follow with mine (and this goes for year round): Feel the trunk, if the trunk is very firm or hard, no water. If the trunk is soft or slightly 'spongy' feeling, water. If in doubt, err on the dry side always!! An cacti/succulent collector friend gave me that advice several years ago, and it's served me well! I still have the adenium he gave me back then. These guys can survive much longer without water MUCH longer than they can with too much water!!

Valrico, FL(Zone 9b)


It should be fine. You just sent it into a quick state of dormancy, if it didn't actually freeze. If you notice any tips turning black, nip below that. Otherwise just keep it out of that {{{{{{{{{shiver}}}}}}} cold stufff.


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I agree with Carter and BuriedT, just keep it dry and keep an eye on it for rot. I killed a few when I first started growing them by overwatering in winter when they were dormant.

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