First snow of the Season - what got caught?

Ithaca, NY(Zone 5b)

Oh my, nothing much left but my poor little snapdragons! Had to throw the pond warmer in today because the pond started to freeze over. Hope we get an indian summer - I'm not ready for snow and cold, too many lingering memories of last winter!

Thumbnail by lmelling
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Cool survivor! First frost here (no snow yet) just made everything brown/black.

Ithaca, NY(Zone 5b)

The rocket snapdragon just amaze me each year in what they'll live through. All but a few leaves are off the trees and everything else has bitten the dust, but these little guys just keep going!

You guys in NC should have at least a few more good weeks! Hope they're dry, not wet like it's been up here!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Hate the idea of approaching snow, but that's a great picture of a survivor. big smiles here

Ithaca, NY(Zone 5b)

Hey Blooms! How's it out there - cold yet?

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Cold is relative sometimes, and it's relatively cold. I adjust to 100*s easier than 40*s and that's what are temps are these mornings, today we're looking at rising to low 60*s today. Mayhap the last of such warmth. Can only hope.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I adjust to colder temps easier than hot temps. (I can only remove just so many clothes but I sure can add them, LOL.)

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Darius - I have a sno-suit [sno-mobile clothing] of thermally lined nylon - good socks, warm boots - I STILL get cold, it's an inner thing. And it seldom actually gets cold enough to wear it, but I have laid in the snow wearing it in order to get the shot I wanted.

Ithaca, NY(Zone 5b)

I would say I adjust to cold easier too, although it seems harder the older (and creakier I get - LOL!). I can't handle humidity at all! Once it gets to the high 70's here and 80% humidity for more than a day, the AC goes on! My comfortable temp range seems to be mid 50's - 75! Told my husband I don't know WHERE on earth I'd be happy year round!

Spring Hill, FL(Zone 9a)

What got caught? Me, Us, DW and the fab 4 tiny tigers...but NOT FOR LONG. We did the early holiday get together at DD's place on Cayuga and we're outta here Sat AM. Get FL warmed up you FL DG'ers we is a comin'

Ithaca, NY(Zone 5b)

OOOooooohhh! I feel like packing a bag and joining you - as much as I hate the humidity down there. At least I get to look forward to a Yanni concert in January, and going to Phoenix in late February!!!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

That's the best time to go to Phoenix.

It's not often you get flower photos with a snow backdrop.

Great shot.

Ithaca, NY(Zone 5b)

Believe it or not - the snapdragons are STILL going! We had two nights last week where the temps got down to 15 degrees! It's 50 degrees out today (and yesterday) but the nights are still getting down into the 20's. I took seeds from some of the pods prior to that. I'm going to start them in March. These are cast iron snapdragons (Rocket mixture actually)!!!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)


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