Spring Bulb Combinations for Shade Gardens

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Since it's bulb planting season, I thought this article by Debbie Van Bourgondien suggesting daffodil, tulip, hosta and fern combinations for shade gardens might be useful---


I am always looking for interesting pairings, and for me it's always easier to find out what others have tried first...

Any other ideas???

Just to follow up for those who are still planting--today I received an email announcing VanB's end of season sale-- Happy gardening!)

This message was edited Nov 20, 2004 9:17 AM

Saint Albans, VT(Zone 4b)

I like to have species tulips that bloom earlier than the others, and the short iris - reticulata and danfordia in the front area of my shade garden. If it's deciduous shade, then almost anything that blooms in the spring will be ok since there's sun then anyway. I have stuff like that sprinkled aroound mine for early interest.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Barby--Your shade garden sounds lovely--I love a spring show of bulbs under deciduos shade trees (especially in front yards)--I wish more people would try it--a few early iris, daffodils or other easy bulbs really brighten up a time in early spring that can be a bit dull and overcast--especially here in the Midwest.

So--I planted the white muscari around the white-edged patriot and minuteman hostas and also white cheerfulness daffs among the japanese painted ferns for a spring white shade garden effect. I am not sure when my purplish siberian iris will bloom, but maybe with luck it will be around the same time...Likewise the violets.

Also planted some late yellow daffs and some miniatures with my golden edged hostas as Debbie VanBorondien suggested so I hope that works out.

The animals ate all my danfordae iris plantings last year and am out of luck on that for now, at least, although I think they would make a lovely and interesting addition and I would like to try again....Likewise for tulips, but am trying to grow some in pots to set around. We'll see on that idea!

If anybody is interested, I noticed VanEngelen's Bulb Sale starts today. Here's the link--


If you want to do some last minute plantings...Here in 6a my garden center lady said it wasn't too late....

Take care. t.

I love Van Engelens! Great suggestion! Great pricing!

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