CLOSED: kat7 RR Final routes

Bloomingdale, NJ(Zone 6a)

OK- here's the final lists for my RR-Please email me directly if I left anybody off!

#1 (mailed 11/3) FINISHED
Ruth Yarbrough(arrived 11/6, mailed 11/8)
Leslie Rauk (arrived 11/13,mailed 11/18))
Debby Harland (arrived, will mail 11/30)
Lys Swift (arrived, mailed 12/3)
Patty Tanton (arrived 12/10, mailed 12/13)
Sharon Kobel (arrived 12/18, mailed?)
Karen Millsap

#2(mailed 11/3)FINISHED
Jennifer Lechman(received, mailed 11/22)
Toby Rabold(arrived, mailed 12/3)
Brian Bourassa (arrived, mailed?)
Janet Schuck (arrived 12/10, mailed 12/11)
Robbie Hix (arrived 12/13, mailed 12/14)
Doris Morey(arrived 12/21, mailed 12/22)
Deb Peters(got robin while at Doris')
Kathy Latini (recieved 12/28, will mail 12/30)
Dorothy Rienks
Kathy Latini

#3(mailed 11/3)
Bill Case(arrived 11/6, mailed 11/8)
Larkie Martin (arrived while out of town, mailed 11/22?)
Amy Adams(arrived 11/30, mailed 12/1)
Beth Gingerich *******(haven't heard anything back from Beth even after
e-mailing her, so it looks like RR #3 is a gonner.
as soon as the next robin comes back to me, I will send it
out in place of RR#3. Sorry for the delay to all of you
involved. Will keep you posted.**********
Margie Enney
Donna Startz
Yvonne Traxler

#4(mailed 11/8/04)FINISHED
Rachelle DeLaurier(arrived and mailed)
Starr Peters(arrived and mailed)
Kathy Latini (arrived 11/17/04-mailed 11/24/04)
Rachelle DeLaurier (arrived , mailed back to Starr)
Starr Peters (arrived 12/9, mailed 12/10)
Sheran Cohen(arrived, mailed?)
Becky Ronco(arrived 12/21, mailed?)
Angela Carico(arrived, mailed?)
Lelan Dixon(arrived 1/4, mailed ?)
Carol Bea

First robin back will be mailed out in place of RR#3

I will send out 1 identical envelope full of seeds to the first name on each list above. Directions will be included in each envelope, but simplified, simply take out the seeds you want, replace with at least the same number of packets of your seeds and send on to the next person on the list. Please try to get the package back out within a week of recieving to keep the robin moving (and try to keep a good variety of seeds for the next person in line) I have started each robin with at least 55 different kinds of seeds (may be able to put in a couple more before I mail). I will try to get them all mailed out sometime this week. Please email me to let me know when the robin arrives and when you send out so I can keep track of things and post them here. Thanks everbody for participating-and most of all-HAVE FUN!!
LOL, Kathy

This message was edited Feb 17, 2005 12:29 PM

Clear Lake, IA(Zone 4a)

Hi Kathy

This will be so much fun. I have one problem. I leave for Phoenix on Friday, November 5th and won't be home until Saturday, November 13th. Is that going to cause any problems? Let me know. Thanks so much for all your hard work.


Bloomingdale, NJ(Zone 6a)

no problem Leslie!

San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

yea!! Looking forward to the robin landing in San Jose! Thanks for doing this, Kathy!


Maben, MS(Zone 7b)

RR#1 arrived today it will get back on the road Mon. great selection. Will post Mon when it goes out.


Package #1 went out today on its' way to Leslie.

This message was edited Nov 8, 2004 5:37 PM

Valdosta, GA(Zone 8a)

RR# 3 arrived yesterday. I will get it out Monday.


Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Ok where is #4 ? eagerly awaiting robin Carol

Clarksville, TN(Zone 6b)

Any updates on the Robins?

#2 and #4 haven't reached anyone?

This message was edited Nov 12, 2004 5:36 PM

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

where is # 2 at ?

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

ok whos the one setting on it ? wake up little birdie and fly ?

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

im #2 on the #2 list and i haven't seen anything yet

Richland Center, WI(Zone 4a)

Hi Kathy, Sorry I missed this!
Have fun

Clear Lake, IA(Zone 4a)

Hi everyone!

Back from vacation and robin was here waiting with 62 packages of seeds!!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will get out Monday.


Clear Lake, IA(Zone 4a)

Hi everyone

Mailed to Deb today. It was great. thanks so much.


San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi Kathy,

No pressure, just curious as to what this comment means:

(excerpt from above, flight #4)
"left several seed packs out and requests return from Starr, so may be delay)"

I can be patient - it just means the little bird is getting FAT!!


will be gone Nov 18-20 so if the seeds arrive to me... dont fret Ill get them out fast!!!

Orangeville, PA(Zone 6a)

The Robin will be flying out of Pennsylvania tomorrow! :) (Robin #2)

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

That was quick, I received the Robin today. What a fabulous selection of seeds. Will post when it is in flight again to Lys. Should be by Friday.

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)


I received the package from Rachelle and she asked me to return the whole thing to her, which I did. I think some seed packets were left out be mistake and she wanted me to return it, so she could fix the situation. As soon as I receive it again, I will get it back in flight...


San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks a bunch, Starr. I was just curious. Anticipation is half the fun!

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

No Problem! Yes, sometimes the wait is the half the fun!!! Have a happy day!!! Starr

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

It is soooooo much fun.
I love it the postman thinks I'm a nut.
He said there is no way i can grow all that i get in the mail every day.LOL
I told him i don't think i want to grow it all but it would be a nice garden if i did.
I cant wait to see the look on his face when he sees the big boxes of seeds that i
will get when all the robins I'm in start getting here.
I think most of them will be here in the same day i cant wait.LOL @ ME!
It is like Christmas for me when i get seeds in the mail.
And the robins i don't know how i will act when they all get here.hehehe
I may just dance around like Britt.
Happy Gardening!

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

did a big turkey gobble them up ?

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

2 of the RR's I'm in came yesterday along with about 10 trades and the mail carrier had to put it all in a box and bring it to the door.
she said she knew who to come to in the spring when she cant find what she needs in the
I told her if she couldn't find the time to come by to just make a list and leave it in the box i will fill it and put it back in the box for her.
So at least one of my mail carriers understands now .hehehe
But i will keep working on the others.
I like to meet them at the box just in case i get too much for the box.
They like it that way they don't have to fight the G.S. MEAN AS THE DEVIL DOG .lol
Thats the name they gave her after a few of them were chased off the property.
My baby almost got the pepper spray.
This is tons of fun for me if you cant tell already.
And i didn't dance around but i did jump up and down and squeal so that my baby girl and my DH came to see what was @ me
I cant wait till this one gets here.
I think i like this all toooooo mmmuch!
Happy Gardening!
Have a Great Day All!

Thumbnail by rh3708
Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I may be stupid but I still can't find where # 4 is ?

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Robin # 1 will be mailed out this coming Monday. With the Holiday and family and work, haven't found the time to take it to PO. Will post when it hits the mail.

Bloomingdale, NJ(Zone 6a)

Just a quick note to clear up the confusion on RR#4- Rachelle received the robin from me-but when she sent it on to Star, she accidentally left out some of her seed packets, and requested Star send it back to her so she could make good. Instead of sending #4 back to Rachelle, Star ended up sending it back to me, at which time I mailed it back out to Rachelle, who should be getting it back any day now and will send it on to Sheran to get it back on tract-sorry for the delay and all the confusion!!

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)


Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Robin # 1 is in flight to Lys in Northern Iowa. Mailed today. This was a really great Robin, Thanks, Kat for putting it together.

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

Robin # 2 arrived at my house today. Will be mailed to #3 on the list tomorrow! YEAH - so many goodies from which to choose! Can't wait till spring! THANKS KAT for a wonderful robin

havnt recieved anything yet?????please advise.

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Hello, I got the RR #4 today!!! Wow, what a selection! This is just so much fun. I will be getting it back out in the mail tomorrow and according to the instructions, the next person on the list is Sheran. So be on the lookout Sheran! What a great way to share seeds. Thanks for starting this, Kathy.

My Best, Starr


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

I got today sending out monday .wow is this fun .#1
patty tanton

Clarksville, TN(Zone 6b)

The robin is here, I'll e-mail kat7 so she can update.

Robin #2 just flew into the mail to the next person, Robbie Hix it's on it's way to you!

This message was edited Dec 11, 2004 11:28 PM

Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

#1 just took flight from here . Boy was that fun 2 more people and our bird has made a successful trip >go birdie go to sharon
tazzy =patty

This message was edited Dec 13, 2004 3:55 PM

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

# 2 Robin just landed in Lafayette TN.
The Robin will continue its flight in the morning.

Thumbnail by rh3708

nothing yet on rr heading my way....

Ok when I got home last nite.. the note said... yipeeeeeee there were two boxes at the post office...picked it up this am.

will be back on its way friday , my day off.

San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks for the update,Sheran. Hope you find los of goodies! I can hardly wait!

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