Last Moorsbus of the season

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

All good things come to an end. The last Moorsbus weekend for the season was here. I decided to give myself a really good weekend before winter came too close. Saturday was a fun day in Middlesbrough, the anniversary of the birth of Captain Cook. In our town centre a South American band played El Condor Pasa and other tunes. Beside it was a bouncy castle and a set of swings. After a light lunch I set off for a spot of shopping.

I wanted to get one or two resources for the micro-teach that I am doing for my Wednesday night class. I had been considering using a globe, but when I looked at them in Waterstones I found them very disappointing and not at all what I wanted. Time to think again! While I was there I noticed that a local author, James David, was doing a book signing. The man, about my own age I’d say, was sat behind a table behind his pile of books. Every so often a little sortie of young girls would approach him for a book. Perhaps I’ve already told you that I have for a very long time wanted to write a children’s fantasy book? Never got round to it, but here was someone who had. His books, fantasy novels, are set in the North York Moors. I decided to give them a try. Soon I had joined the little line of girls. Successfully clutching my autographed book in hand I told the writer about my pipedream, and then babbled on about my interest in storytelling. He was very encouraging and supportive. I came away determined to read the first chapter or two of his book.

The next day was one of those golden autumn days. I set off on the Moorsbus for Thornton le Dale and then changed onto the bus for West Ayton for a 2 hour morning ride. It was a glorious morning. The sun was chasing away the last strips of mist from the hills. The forests and hills had never looked lovelier. The trees were turning. The hillsides were covered with their gold and russet splendour. Perfection!!

I turned back to Thornton le Dale and stopped for lunch before heading for Pickering. Here a Wizard Weekend was in progress at the railway station. Mainly a Harry Potter tribute. A good steam trip was to be the highlight. I planned merely to be an observer, but I always enjoy seeing the steam engines so I was looking forward to it.

I plodded determinedly along the platform. And what do I see ahead of me? James David resolutely plugging his book yet again behind his stand. That man will think I’m nuts I thought, seeing me turn up again. I bided my time and slunk past his bookstand when he was occupied signing a book. Further along the platform the steam engine was building up a good head of steam. The smoke billowed along in white and black plumes at the far end of the platform. The last passengers climbed on board and with a loud WOO HOO!!! the engine was chugging away over the moors.

Now I visited the marquee next to the platform. A young boy was having his face painted to become a Harry Potter lookalike. Nearby the local owl sanctuary was displaying a couple of owls blinking nervously. I admired their plumage for a few minutes and chatted to the trainers. Now I headed back to the station gift shop, slinking once more round James David’s bookstand. In the gift shop I had a successful shopping spree. One puppet, a steam engine whistle and an engine driver’s cap went into my shopping bag. I was full of creative ideas for a successful micro-teach on Storytelling!!!!

Back out onto the platform. And oops! I bumped straight into James David next to his bookstand. The man’s face was a picture. “Didn’t I see you yesterday in Middlesbrough?” he asked in bewilderment. I spluttered a bit before eventually agreeing that he had. Then in tones of innocence I stated, “I seem to be collecting puppets.” We examined the contents of my shopping bag. I put on the engine driver’s cap at a jaunty angle, as I stood on the platform. The little girls had deserted him so we had a companionable chat about writing, teaching and storytelling for a few minutes. He had been a teacher for 30 years before getting disillusioned with schools and starting out as a writer. I used to go to a writing class, so I thoroughly enjoyed the chat. Again he was very knowledgeable and helpful.

Finally I set off home, stopping just in Helmsley for a welcome cuppa. What a lovely day!!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

So glad your last Moorsbus trip of the year turned out so well
I feel as if I went along with you :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Philomel! I'll miss my days out on the Moors. There's other places I can go to during the winter, but not so wide a choice, or as pretty.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, the Moors are very special!
Will look forward to following your winter pursuits :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Not sure where to go yet. I'll probably be restricted to Saturdays as there are fewer services on Sundays. And most places are closed on Sundays too. I've checked the weather forecast for this Saturday and it's poor. Cloudy with some rain. Hmm. Newcastle maybe.

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Say ''hello'' to Northumberland for me..especially the it is cold there now tho' brrhhhhh!!!!!!
[ enjoy Newcastle] :›)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Not sure yet, Marion (it is Marion?). Today is fine, a great day for a jaunt, but no time today. Sigh. Got an interview later today, must get myself all tarted up for it.

Newcastle, or Durham, or maybe Darlington. Perhaps Darlington, not so long to get there. Or maybe Sedgefield. Decisions, decisions. Quite often I make my mind up right at the very last minute.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oooh I like Durham ;o)

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Hope all goes well for your interview Diane, let us you don't like getting all tarted up [ I used to when I was younger] thats what age does for you tho'!!!!
Whatever you decide on your outings have fun [ sometimes choosing at the last moment works out even better] and hope the weather holds..or are you going into that large shopping area..may be Newcastle ? remember my sister mentioning it.. the one that is all enclosed..who needs a shopping centre tho, seen enough of them, give me a good walk on the beach anyday !!! [ or a romp thru the woods ?] Do you ever get to the Lake District or is that too far ? I remember lovely holidays there, and my hubby and I had our honeymoon there [Ambleside] in '58 [ 46 years ago]...were you born then ? marion

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Still undecided. I'll look through my evening paper tonight to see if there are any activities on that I can go to. Weather looks like it might be cloudy. I prefer a fine day for going to Durham really, it's such a pretty place that I like to see it at its best.

The Lake District is too far, though there's a coach service that does day trips from here. More expensive that I like really, though I'm hoping to go sometime. It needs to be booked in advance, and I prefer spontaneity.

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