Sick Phlox

Powhatan, VA(Zone 6b)

I have a number of garden "tall" phlox in my yard along with numerous other perennials. I noticed one of the plants looking sickly and turning yellow from the bottom up. This continued to get worse. The leaves started turning brown and the plant looked really bad. I looked up diseases of phlox and came up with possibly aster yellows. Does anyone have any experience with this condition? I have already gotten rid of the plant, because I don't want the other plants infected. Apparently this disease affects numerous plants as well. I thought my bed was fairly diversified but maybe not.


Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I've had mildew problems with phlox before but nothing too bad. Have you been getting enough water? I know some of the phlox that I potted up starts to look pretty bad if I don't keep it watered well.

Powhatan, VA(Zone 6b)

We have been getting more than enough rain, and they are not too wet because of the slope of my land. I have powdery mildew on some other phlox in my yard. I am not too concerned about that. I will cut those back after they bloom. It has been a very wet spring. This is the first year I have had powdery mildew on the phlox. I do get it on other more succeptable plants from time to time. I am not taking any chances though I have plenty of phlox so it was not a sacrifice to throw it away.


northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I haven't had that problem with my Phlox, yet, but last year a number of them, once they were loaded with buds, just had the tops curl over and all the leaves turn brown. They've all come back this year, though.

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