look what I found growing in (nearly all day) full sun

Modi'in, Israel

This Clerodendron something or other. Can never remember which one is C. thomsoniae, which one is bleeding heart, etc. IN any case, all the GCs here sware this has to be in partial shade or it won't flower and will grow only very slowly and pitifully. Then a week or so ago, some nice people here confirmed that when I tried to convince myself to buy one and put it in a suny position (only spot I have for a climber right now).

In any case, I was out driving around town yesterday and saw this. It was just gorgeous. I dont' know if you can tell from the pics, but it was very healthy looking and is growing in an area that was only built about 4 years ago. So it can't be any older than that.


Thumbnail by salvia_lover
Modi'in, Israel

Here's a closer shot

Thumbnail by salvia_lover
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Julie, that's a beautiful plant - and as happy in the sun as any bouganvilla would be. What the heck, give one a try. could be successful, then wouldn't you be pleased.

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Definitly, give it a try. You don't have much to lose! If it doesn't work out then you'll know...and if it does..as Blooms says:"won't you be pleased"!

Auburn Hills, MI(Zone 6a)

wow that is pretty !! love the blooms

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow Julie!
I LOVE to be proven wrong when it comes to things like this!! lol...
So glad you saw this! Maybe I should try more sun, too!
Thanks for posting. This is the prettiest one I've ever seen! I'll bet it takes a lot more water in sun, but who cares if you get THAT many blooms!
Awesome! ...

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Is is clerodendrum x speciosum. It is a cross between clerodendrum thompsoniae, and clerodendrum splendens.
Great specimen...

Modi'in, Israel

Hey Seedpicker, I'm glad you were proven wrong on this too ROTFL...only because it means I get a chance to grow it where I want it....in my kids play garden along the fence on the street side. :-) I plan on putting one in this coming weekend if the GC still has them in stock. At the end of spring I'll post a pic of it's progress. I hope mine will fair as well as this one too :-)

Oh, and thanks for the ID :-)


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

You know?...MAYBE there is big difference between growing it in Israel and the US.

Maybe proximity to the equator(intensity of the sun), climate, and elevation are factors here, too...

This might explain why we have to grow it in a little bit of shade...
I find that many things need a few hours of shade, here in baking hot Texas...no matter what it is, except roses, and sunflowers! lol...


Modi'in, Israel

Oh I would think so too, but the thing is, the GCs here swore that this plant must have no more than partial sun AT THE MOST....and highly encouraged me to put it where it wouldn't get more than 1-2 hours sun per day. They were adamant that it needed lots of shade or it would die. Yadayadayada LOL Yet the plant above is likely getting about 8-10 hours of sun per day. Really mind-boggling actually.

I actually get a giggle out of these kinds of mistakes on the part of GCs.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I got to looking at the picture more closely, and noticed that the vine/plant to the right of it, is pretty neat, too! Looks like it has pods on it, or maybe fruits?
This must be someone who really enjoys gardening. In th past, I've gone up to people like that's house, and rang the doorbell to compliment their plant(s). I've actually made a few long term friends this way! lol...
Maybe you two should be friends! lol...

Modi'in, Israel

Hey Terry, I hadn't even noticed the other plant I was so awe struck by the Clero! I'll go by there in about half an hour when I take my son to a playdate. I'll get a better pic of it then :-)


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Ok, ...I'll wait for your post!

Modi'in, Israel

hmmm....I finally got up the nerve to use your real name and I got it wrong! Ugh! Sorry! (rolling my eyes at myself!)

I went by there an hour ago and didn't need to take a photo. It was clearly a Limquat tree. Cross between a kumquat and a lime (I think). In any case, it's a lot like tiny little lime/lemon....tastes somewhere in between the two. I have one in my garden and I absolutely love it. I could try to send you some seeds, but I have no idea if limquat comes true from seed.


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