Cymbidiums....when to re-pot?

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Hi all!

My Cymbidiums are packed int heir pots! Can I re-pot them now? When do I start with the bloom food? Thanks for your help! Great forum by the way!

Karen :~D

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I don't know anything about cyms, but check these guys out:

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Keyring! That is very says that I should have repotted them after they bloomed this year, I wonder if I will jeopardize their bloom next spring by repotting them now? The medium is very broken down and they are crowded in the pots. Anybody?

Long Beach, CA

my neighbor has many cymbidiums, for years. I have her come take a look when I aaquire new plants she's growing (hoyas, orchids, epis).
She has told me definately do not repot until right after blooms, it could interfere with next seasons flowering.
I've read several times to make exceptions if plant looks really bad.
Lke maybe you'll lose it if you don't do something.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Oh thanks Dkorte, I will wait til next spring then. They look ok, just really crowded. Your neighbor sounds like someone I would pester constantly......I just adore....hoyas, epis and orchids! Thanks again!

Long Beach, CA

me too.
lorraine ,thats her name gave me a whole bunch of tillandsias, boy are they fun! She said when her hoyas need trimming back i'll get some of those.
She has about 5 different colors epidendriums (poor mans orch.)
Iwant the whitish mauvish and the orange with yellow! I've only had orchids for a couple of months. I'm dying to get some of the cute small ones, but I won't until I'm more confident.I already have almost more than I can handle with all my succulents.
I got 2 beautiful cattaleyas at a yard sale 2 weeks ago for 5$ a piece, i already have a smudgy, black spot on one, looks like a little dirt,won;t come off though. I need to rig a shelter for these plants.I have on north side of house now. hope they are getting good circulation.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u should start shopping around for medium orchid barks. i used to buy them in local nursery. medium size barks are ideal to use for larger bulb/rhyzome cymbidium. i used to repot them around April when the temp. are warmer. add some superphosphate fertilizer and peat moss with the orchid bark.

medium orchid bark help aerate the root zone.
peat moss will aid in holding the moisture so u do not have to water so often.
superphosphate will enchance root growth and aid in blooming.
MG 15-30-15 will aid the plant in its overall growth.
Vit. B1 - u should always have around. they are available in gal. containers for less than $5.00 a gal. they are good in preventing plants from shock. use in any type of plants, it always work for me .

when u separate them, be sure to always have 3 connected rhyzome/bulb together, not separate... depending on the variety, u should have blooms the same year. at least i did when i do yearly dividing of cybidiums.

i lost lots of my orchids when i left my house 7 yrs. ago. that is another story. i do not remember their specific names, but i can recall their blooms... some are magenta, green, yellows and some are two toned in color. once there is a crowd of 10 bulbs/rhyzomes i put them in big about 5 gal. clay pot. u can start the 3 bulb/rhysomes in 1 gal. pots.

if memory serves me right, cymbidiums like their roots crowded in order to bloom properly. be sure to water after repotting with Vit. B1 to avoid plant shock. water twice a month with MG 15-30-15.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Ah, Mavierose, thanks so much. I will just remember to re-pot them next spring. Thanks too for the mix info, the moss is a great idea and I will pick up the fertilizers too, I bet they will be incredible in 2006! thanks so much!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u're very welcome. it's alway a pleasure to give helping hand.

Long Beach, CA

Are you familiar with MARIPOSA ORCHIDS? They are at 6664 E.South St
in Lakewood,Ca., just over the freeway from Cerritos Mall.
They are the one and only listed orchid grower in my tsuper pages.
Anyway, my neigh. said to go there and buy the cymbidium mix. I haven't been yet. You need to call ahead and make an app.
They have plant sales only 2 times a year I think.
Thanks for the good advice. I often wonder if when I re-pot and see the rhysomes, it will be obvious where to divide. A little confused about bulbs.
we have the green bulbs (psuedo bulbs?)and the brown leafless (back bulbs?)

So, the newest growth + 3 geen bulbs per 1 new? Do you take the the brown leafless bulbs off completely and repot them so the can produce more growth? I don't recall seeing brown bulbs in full healthy pots.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


i am no expert by any means. what i tried to explain in above posting is purely based on personal experiences. don't expect too much from an ailing old lady like me cuz of failing health, but i will try to explain the best i can. i once had a collection of orchid books which i no longer have at the moment, same thing applied to collections of orchids i once grew.

here is Mariposa orchid i found online, if u are referring to the orchid.

i do not buy orchid mix, i mixed my own orchid soil. i only buy the redwood medium bark at a Jap. nursery in Gardena, Ca. i prefer to mix my own, cuz i know what i have at hand.

i used to buy orchids i grew at Stewart's Orchid place in Santa Barbara.

bulb a bulb would be like an amaryllis bulb.
rhizome sorry about spelling overlook on above posting. a rhizome would be similar to a ginger root.

a cymbidium, based on personal experiences has both a bulbs [ if separated from a group] and a rhizome [bulbs that are connected together, and not separate].

when i used to divide cymbidiums i once grew, a bulb would sometime be accidentally be separated from a group of rhizomes. albeit green bulb or browned bulb. i never throw them away. i plant them too, in the long ran they do form a rhizome/s. it will take several seasons or years before they form into a rhizome and bloom. which is why i suggested to take a rhizome with three bulbs together. having said that, a group of connected 3 bulb/rhizome is where i used to get blooms, even though they had been divided the same year [of course, depending on the cymbidium specie].

some cymbidium specie bloom in the Spring, some in Summer and others bloom in the Winter.

i hope i did not confuse u. i tried my best to explain.

due to failing health, i normally back myself with links to support my statement/s.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

You're up early MaVie!

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

Good morning Karen :). yes, i went to be early last night. have a good garden day!!!!

i know i will cuz the rain and strong winds finally subsided, but cold. our temp this morning is 36ºF, suggested high would be 59ºF.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Good morning! I've been up since 4.....but not because I've had enough sleep! Today is the first day of duck hunting season....hubby was bumbling about getting his things together...couldn't get back to, naturally, I came here! K

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

LOL Karen. i love duck, specially Peking Duck. :)!

time to do research Karen ;)

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

:~) have a great day!

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