* Yahoo! e-mail users - - be on the 'look out' !! *

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Note: My email notification to alert Yahoo - may not be on any 'genius scale' (hee) - but it clearly states the importance and makes the point, just the same !!

Incidentally, the valid email address to contact and make such reports to Yahoo!, is ... mail-spoof@cc.yahoo-inc.com

- Magpye


... I'd rec'd this email yesterday in my Yahoo! email ...

X-Apparently-To: (have removed) via (have removed); Mon, 25 Oct 2004 10:23:38 -0700
X-Originating-IP: []
Return-Path: (have removed)
Received: from (HELO 80-219-149-147.dclient.hispeed.ch) ( by mta127.mail.sc5.yahoo.com with SMTP; Mon, 25 Oct 2004 10:23:38 -0700
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 17:11:44 +0000
From: "Yahoo!" (have removed) Add to Address Book
To: (have removed)
Subject: Your Yahoo! ID - (have removed)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Length: 578

D‮rae‬ Y‮ha‬oo! Me‮rebm‬,

We m‮tsu‬ c‮kceh‬ t‮ah‬t y‮ruo‬ Ya‮oh‬o! ID was regi‮erets‬d by r‮lae‬ peo‮elp‬. So, to h‮ple‬ Ya‮oh‬o! p‮tnever‬
au‮etamot‬d regis‮tart‬ions, pl‮sae‬e c‮cil‬k on t‮sih‬ l‮kni‬ and c‮etelpmo‬ co‮ed‬ ver‮tacifi‬ion pr‮co‬ess:


T‮nah‬k you.

... My notice to Yahoo! Account Services ...

This particular email (below my text messge here) ... appeared in my IN-BOX !! It was not in my bulk folder, where the thousands more of such 'junk' is suppposed to be going .. ?!?

THIS particular email .. in no way, is even remotely associated to being sent from Yahoo and/or (its) administration !!!

I've noticed there have been quite a few junk, spam, and outright FILTHY emails that are somehow managing to by-pass your (yahoo!) strictest of filter settings .. just in the last few weeks ! ! !

I can only imagine that there are tons more of these such emails being sent and are apparently being successfully delivered!! More horrendous, is that not everyone will recognize it for what it is and/or isn't, either! This .. demands your full attention pronto!!

Everything that I could manage to associate to this email .. is below. Including Full Headers, etc.

I expect you folks to address and solve this matter ASAP .. and will await an immediate response direct from you !!


... And, I received this response - first thing this morning!! ...
(And, hopefully .. they will do as they claim they will ... eventually!)

Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 04:23:36 -0700
To: (have removed)
Subject: RE: * Mitey serious spoofin' needs immediate attention! * (KMM23067707V58957L0KM)
From: "Yahoo! Account Services" View Contact Details


Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.

Please do not reply to this email.


Thank you for bringing this incident to our attention. Yahoo! will investigate this report immediately and contact you if any additional information is required. We appreciate your concern and thank you for your report.

Your Yahoo! ID and password are your own confidential information. No Yahoo! employee will ever ask you for your password or personal information in an unsolicited phone call or email message. If you are ever asked for your password in an unsolicited manner, or by someone
you do not believe to be a representative of Yahoo!, *do not* share your password with them.

For more helpful information on password scams as well as information on how to protect your password, visit:


For additional information on ways to protect your information online, please visit the Yahoo! Security Center at:


We appreciate your concern and thank you for reporting this incident to Yahoo!.

Thank you again for contacting Yahoo! Customer Care.


Yahoo! Customer Care

For assistance with all Yahoo! services, please visit:


New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - better than ever!

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