Does watering affect badly grape vines etc???

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

I live in Crete, where very hot and long summers limit our choice of plants. With my wife we managed to put together quite an unorthodox garden, mixing wild growing trees with systemically watered plants that we planted; I hear that watering is not good for several plants, e.g. grape vines, cypresses, and pear trees. To give you an idea of the climate, since May we have seen only four 30-minute long rainfalls in October. What can you tell me about this ???


Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

You might want to post this question in the Fruit's and Nut's forum. You probably won't get much response in this one. Very few people ever come here anymore. Good luck! I don't know the answer to your question. Sorry I can't help you.

Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

i know cypress grow in the swamps of florida so they like water. i have a few grape vines and they do not like to dry out to bad because they need the water to feed the grapes. i know when we go through our drought the grapes don't do as well and need to be water pretty regularly.

sorry i know nothing about pear trees

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

My grandparents in Pennsylvania (northeastern U.S.) had a couple grape vines and pear trees. They never watered them, but they never had to, either. It rains year-round there, about 3 to 4 inches a month.

Italian cypress seems to be pretty drought-tolerant, but I've never seen one growing in California outside of a place where it would get fairly regular water. They're pretty common around here in people's yards.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

dpmichael, I live in the desert area of Wash, state, Have lived here all my life. For 45 years my husband and I raised apples, 80 acres. Also had several other fruit trees and vines. Grapes like moisture until they are ripening. Pear trees need moisture all the time. Here we get very little rainfall, so I irrigate for at least 7 months out of the year. If I can be of further help let me know. Donna

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