Is this true????

Crossville, TN

A friend sent this to me in my email.....Jo

Adware / spyware pop-up windows are getting increasingly sneaky. If you've ever clicked on the X belonging to a pop-up window and suddenly found yourself downloading spyware instead of closing the pop-up, you've been subjected to a fake pop-up.

A fake pop-up window looks like an ordinary pop-up, but is actually an image file. Clicking anywhere on the image will activate a link, which often results in inadvertently downloading spyware. Fake pop-ups rely on user habit. You see a pop-up window, so you close it by clicking on the X button. Because the X button is part of the image, you activate the link.

To prevent this from happening, watch your mouse pointer. If the pointer still looks like a little hand over the X button then the pop-up's a fake. The little hand is your mouse pointer's way of telling you that you're about to click on a link. Clicking the X button won't close the window, because it isn't really a window.

If, however, your mouse pointer turns into an arrow when you hover over the X button, you've got a real pop-up and can close the window by single-clicking on the X button. To be safe, I always close pop-ups by pressing on my keyboard. That way, I stop myself from accidentally activating a link.

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