Attack Chicken ......

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

The Rhode Island Red Rooster from Easter has matured into an aggressive, macho, territorial, bad bird. He has been removed from the protective pen that holds the 3 hens and is free to roam the world (take his chances in the world is more like it) but he 'guards' his hen pen like a dedicated sentry. Our English Bulldog Jeb spotted Mr. Rooster strutting around and Jeb, ever curious, approached, sniffing the air. The Rooster, alarmed at the intruder to HIS part of the yard, flared his feathers, dropped his wings, and did the side step shuffle to attack curious Jeb. Jeb stared at him trying to remember, "Was it fight or flight?" Jeb turned tail (a very little tail) and scampered as fast as his little legs could carry him! The Rooster, flapping his wings, reached out and pecked my "baby boy" right on the tail... and continued pecking until Jeb ducked behind my DH, Bob. The Rooster stopped short... I think because Bob was laughing so much.

A few days later, IT pecked poor Gabby, world’s sweetest Bully, on the behind and just about freaked her out!! Then he started after me, but I screamed for Bob. The rooster is running free because he was abusing the hens, now he is abusing all of us. Bob of course doesn't want me or "our gang" hurt but he thinks the Rooster is a hoot, acting like he is KING of the world. I told Bob that Rooster had to go!!! With my mind made up, I took the "Attack Chicken" to the vets and told them the problem. Not doing a good job of stifling laughter the receptionist, asked if I wanted to "put it down" or place it. A man in the waiting room said he'd heard, Attack Chicken & Dumplings was good. I told Katie I would prefer "placing" but that it was one “m e a n” chicken.

One of the young ladies working there said she would take it home to her father who raises chickens. She said most likely it just needed some discipline to stop it from attacking. It seems aggression in a rooster is a desired trait, if you want baby chickens. Meanwhile the vets and employees couldn't keep from laughing.

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