Lambton's day out

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Lambton Puppet and I went for a day out to the library. They were having a storytime and I was curious to see what was involved. All the storytellers I've seen (professional) told their stories unaided. I had a sneaking suspicion that the library staff would tell theirs from a book. However...

You should have seen the looks on the children's faces when Lambton waved to them! One little girl brought a toy over. It had a button that you pressed to make a "boing" noise. Needless to say, Lambton had fun playing with it. And the little girl had fun watching him!

The librarian came and read three stories to the children. Out of a book. Sigh. Oh well, she's not a professional storyteller. She enjoyed it though, and so did the children. She liked Lambton. She came over and shook his paw. He liked that!!!! I'd say he had a good day out!

PS Lambton Worm is one of my alter-egos, and I now have a puppet of him as well. He's a dragon.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

What a treat for those children. I hope Lambton will be putting in an appearance at lots of occasions from now on
..... and the dragon (is he Lambton too, or does he have an alias?)

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Is this the Lampton worm with geet big teeth and geet big gob ? I remember that...we all used to sing it in school..
and he growed and growed and growed and growed and growed an awful size....with his geet big teeth and his geet big gob and his geet big gogly eyes ????
[my faculties have not completely gone I don't is the present that I have the most problems with !!]
ps I do hope this is what you are referring to as you will be only one of few who understand what I am talking about...have fun !!!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

My dragon alias is called Lambton Worm. The puppet is called Lambton Puppet!!!!

Yes, it's the Lambton Worm with the greet big gob and greet big eyes!!!! The area where the legend came from is not too far from where I live. In the town neighbouring me there is a pub named after the family (the "Lambton Castle") and a small courtyard and theatre named after the Green Dragon!!!!

Yes, it was lots of fun!!! I'd like to try storytelling one day. Later this week one of our local storytellers will be helping out at a local museum giving a Captain Cook activity. He's called Francis Firebrace and he's an aboriginal storyteller. I saw him earlier this year - he's a real character! Depends if I have time though.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sounds as if you should really try and see Francis Firebrace - love the name!
Do hope you get going with your storytelling, that would be such a great way of earning at least part of a living

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I saw Francis Firebrace earlier this year at a festival in Hartlepool. He's a real character! He had the children up beside him doing the Kangeroo dance!!!!! A person with a big heart too, I'd say. One of a kind. I hope I have the time to see him. I'm a bit pushed for time this week.

I wonder if I have enough personality to deliver stories? I think it helps if you're mildly eccentric!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I'm sure it does LOL
It probably takes someone with a slightly offcentre view of the world to give others a fresh take on life
That's the magic

El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

Think you just have to be yourself Diane, children do pick up on sincerity, from what you have talked about you seem so interested and thats a good start, and just building up on that until you gain thing about children most of them respond in such a positive way, and are very forgiving...also who has time these days to do what you are talking also takes a lot of patience...I think it would be a magical thing to do..think of all those stories to tell !!!!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm hoping to have a go sometime. At the moment I'm trying to get my home tidy. It's a real tip - I didn't have much time for housework when I was studying hard. Got to give my kitchen a good clean!

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