Theatre day planned

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

My countryside walks are probably nearing their end for this season as our weather deteriorates. I cancelled the one I had intended for last Sunday, and this coming Sunday looks even worse. We have gales here at the moment. Jaunts aren't as much fun when it's wet, windy and cold!I hope to do some alternatative activities instead, occasionally. This Saturday I have planned a theatre day. In the afternoon I head over for the Arc in Stockton for "A Midsummer's Night Dream". It's a teenage company, saw them interviewed on tv, it looks like fun!!! Then I'll grab a sandwich somewhere before heading back to Middlesbrough for the evening performance of "A Sleeping Beauty" at the Middlesbrough Theatre.Looks like a great day out!!!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, sounds like a good programme Diane
Hope you enjoy the plays. I love A Midsummer Night's Dream when done well :)

Hoping for the good weather to stay for a while longer here - my son and family are coming over to stay for the first time since we've been out here, so my daughter's two and his two are really looking forward to playing together. They used to see a lot of each other in the UK.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

They were both spendid! The Dream had a young cast - it was a local troupe run by teenagers. It was full of vitality - very physical! A lot of fun! The audience were very appreciative - lots of clapping and cheering!

"The Sleeping Beauty" was excellent! Good scenery, lovely costumes and wonderful dancing! Perfection!!!!

Weather is mixed here. Some sunny spellls but some gloomy and wet weather too. We had a thunderstorm last night. I cancelled my usual day out on the Moorsbus - the weather just looked too unsettled. There's only one Moorsbus day left for this season. Sigh.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Fingers crossed for sunshine :~)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I expect I'll go on the Moorsbus on Sunday, unless it's absolutely pouing down. I can always potter round Helmsley and have a good pub lunch and maybe go on to Pickering. Not what I'd really wanted to do, but there's always next year. I'll really miss it in the winter. I miss my friends too.

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