The ilusive snail vine

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I planted what was suppose to be a snail vine, it never bloomed, is there any way to tell if it is the fragarant vine ? I want to know if it is worth digging up.
Thankyou Carol

Needville, TX(Zone 9a)

Did you start it from seed or was it a purchased plant? The seeds look very different from each other. If not, without the bloom it is going to be hard to tell the both vines apart .

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I started it from seed. Thankyou Carol

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is a posted picture of the difference in sizes of the seeds of the snail vine and the corkscrew:

Ventura, United States(Zone 10b)

If you are referring to Phaseolus caracalla, it is not fragrant. Check this link:

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Thankyou the seed was the snail vine, is this one worth saving ?

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I have had both and find the only good thing about the snail vine for me was that it vined like crazy. It flowered very little, didn't have fragrance, never made seed, and it was invasive, only because I couldn't keep it (one vine) controlled. On the other hand, the corkscrew vine never got out of control, bloomed very well for me, smells good, and even made seed pods, tho they didn't have time to mature. I guess it depends on what you want....I like blooms. I will say that the snail vine had very pretty leaves and my corkscrew vine wasn't as lush.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I personally like them both. Yes, the corkscrew fragrance is amazing, but the snail vine is a wonderful complement to the corkscrew. They look lovely together & I get as many blooms on the snail as the corkscrew. I think it is definitely worth digging up!
Perhaps you can remember what the seeds looked like? I cannot tell the leaves apart but the seeds are different.
Here is my previous post where seedpicker & I talked about the seeds:

Edited to add that Moonlighting posted a pic of both seeds side by side on the link above on
Sept. 11

This message was edited Oct 20, 2004 6:34 PM

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I agree with Donna...I like them both. Actually, I like the snail vine better. It may not be fragrant, but mine blooms from Spring to frost...constantly!
The corkscrew blooms for a very short time, and only in the Fall. It is fussy, doesn't grow nearly as lush, and yellows very easily if stressed, or overwatered. I have lost a few just to overwatering, and it wasn't even me! Too much rain, and the tubers just go soggy...
I'd rather clip something back than constantly be wishing something would grow more...just my two cents...
The snail vine is much more forgiving, grows well, blooms well, roots easily, is beautiful and unusual looking...I couldn't ask for more...It is one of my very favorites...

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Tell me what to do to get the snail vine to bloom. I like the looks of it but was disappointed in so few blooms. I would try it again on an archway I have if it would just show off for me. I didn't fertilize because it grew so fast. Could that be my problem?

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

I have never grown the corkscrew vine, so I can't tell you which one is my favorite. I can tell you that I do grow the snail vine and love it. I have had it growing on my block wall for 3 years and it blooms almost all year for me. I do have to cut it back once in awhile, but you have to dead head most flowering plants also. I have had many seed pods develop on this plant, mostly in the late spring, and have shared my seeds with many DG members.

Brugie, I don't know why yours doesn't bloom much, other than maybe cause you don't grow it long enough. BTW, I have never fertilized this plant....seems to do well on it's own. lol


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't fertilize mine, or water mine. It is in a southwest exposure on a pergola. was on a pergola...
Now it has covered the pergola, climbed into a tree, and wrapped around the house! lol...Maybe it is just one of those plants that thrives on neglect!
I have another one that just gets half a day of sun, but it blooms like crazy too. I don't really water it, either...
The corkscrew seems to be pretty water wise, too, but does seem to need fertilizer.
I have to fertilize my corkscrew, or the leaves would always look yellow, and it still doesn't grow much, even with fertilizer...I certainly would never recommend the corkscrew for a "living screen", while I'd recommend the snail for this, in a heartbeat...

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Maybe that is the problem. Our summer is very short. I'm lucky to get things out by May 1 and back in by Oct. 1.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

The corkscrew gets rust easily here. I"m babying one along, it might make it, lol.
My snail vine has been blooming since late winter, hasn't stopped, grows like crazy, no water, no fertilize, no bug and fungus fragrance but I solved that! I planted a molle jasmine close by!

Rose Hill, NC(Zone 8a)

The seeds mine had came from via ants? The pods formed had seeds and the only vine that produced seeds was covered in ants off and on (when it was in bloom)
The other vines I never saw any ants on them, nor any pods many many blooms.
So I guess it's safe to assume? LOL

for free mixed Mallow seeds send me sase

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