Just Say "NO"

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Judy...I thought you'd like that one! hehehehe


(Starr...MY yard is available too! :-D )

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

(People reading this thread will probably think we're all "over the edge" unless I explain I sent out cuttings in zip locked bags which I blew up to help cushion them and in route some of the vines started sprouting roots.)


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Ya! I just heard back that the butterfly bush cuttings I sent out to GSkinner are rooting!! YA!! I have already figured how big my new beds will have to be to accomodate my 'designs'.......


Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

too funny

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Before you heard it from someone else and think less of me .... I've fallen off the wagon!!

It started with BethG_58 who sent 3 innocent looking packages of seeds along with the postage reimbursement for a box of cuttings she received.

A few hours later I found myself unable to resist "Triple purple dat seeds for sase" I even told "NancyJean" she was suppose to "Just Tell Me No!!" but being the "seed pusher" that she is and wanting what I had to offer, she readily accepted.

From there it went to calling in the "I.O.U." that I had told CountryBumkin to keep for me instead of postage. To her I wrote "can I have a brug please".

Now I'm clipping and snipping, making pictures for ID's and about to launch an all out "Trade with me!!".

I was good for a full 12 days but now I've succumb to a plan I know was craftily conceived by DG's Seed Pusher Kingpin, "RikerBear".

Ashamed and humiliated, all I can say is ....."Throw Seeds At Me!!!!!"

(lol lol lol lol lol)

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Well, it's not like it's a bad habit or even expensive. You live out in the country so you should have plenty of room, you just have to make new beds. Actually, if you think about it.......it's like an exercise program. The more you get, the more exercise you get. Yeah, I like that.

PS - My plants are doing great. They are happy in their new home.

Denver Metro Area, CO(Zone 5a)

OH, JUDY, YOU CRACK ME UP!! I'm chuckling outloud, here!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Fine! Blame me!!! Well I never................wait Yes I have. LOL
You go right ahead and blame me Judy if it makes you feel better.
"So little girl, want some seeds???"

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

cherishlife, there ya go... an exercise program... I like that..

Judy, it's a GOOD addiction .... We don't want you to quit!!! LOL...Hey, what kind of seeds are you looking for? I don't have anything rare... but I do have some things I gathered up this year...

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

LOL We've got our own exercise club going right here on DG.

Norwood, MO(Zone 6a)

Yup! Ain't is grand?

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

Seeds aren't a bad thing
Co-ops are a bad thing
and I am a co-op Junkie.......
I admitted it
thats the first step...right?

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Well, I inhaled second hand. Here's what happened:
In the summers my spousal unit and I bought rainbow trout from a farm, dressed them and delivered them to restaurants all over the mountains but had no winter business. So I took 50 lbs of them in the VW bug and went to Miami to see if I could conjure up regular customers there. That part of the trip was funny but this is about the trip home.
I picked up a hitchiker near Daytona. This was in the early 70s and everyone picked up young hitchikers then. I told him as soon as he got in the car that I could smell marijuana strongly on his jacket. He was a bit panicked, but I reassured him it was OK, I didn't care. Well! He pulled out his stash and made a joint the size of a small cigar! He smoked the whole thing in that small space inside the VW. We got the giggles. EVERYTHING was funny! Then we got the munchies and stopped at a Stuckey's. We got burgers, fries, milkshakes and fried pies. When we got back to the store, it was really hard to open the doors to the VW and hold onto all this food. My hitchiker got the door open but was still juggling food and the milkshake fell and landed upside down on the seat. He just knew I would be furious for getting the milkshake all over the car seat but I thought it was hilarious. We laughed until we were weak-kneed. Then we noticed we were drawing attention of other folks in the parking lot so we cleaned up the seat and got out of there real quick.
I reluctantly dropped him off in Athens, GA, because it was the funniest trip I was ever on. .....

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

crestedchik - you're right about those Co-ops, they're killers!!!


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

"Trip" indeed, woodspirit!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Judy - I'm so glad you told them so I didn't have to be a tattletale! (hey, everyone - Judy's weakening, weakening, weakending - ok, she just kerplopped off the wagon!)

You go girl!! (I'm actually running around the house looking for things I can send you!)

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

We live out in the country and have several acres to plant and a million wildflowers to care for. We have started planting the ditches. There are just so many places to drop a few seeds. Parking lots at stores, along railroad tracks, no end to it. We have scattered several thousand Cypress Vine seeds every where.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Trois - I'm unable to fine the words to express to you just how wonderful I think that is!!!! You're sharing with everyone!!! May you be BLESSED for your effort!!

Sequee - I was like a little kid rushing to tell before the neighbors do!!! lol lol


Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Trois - fantastic to spread seed in that way - however whenever I pass a highway exit with a sign that says "wildflowers do not pick" I have to wounder what would happen if those spaces were planted w/edible crops of some sort... I do like flowers ... don't think otherwise... but how many people are hungry? strange that more public spaces are not planted with food.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

I guess it's because food crops require a lot more care, and how many people know how to pick and eat most items. I think too many people are grocery store trained.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

Can they be retrained - or does the govenment not want to happen? - lobbies etc?

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Reminds me of a friend who picked a bushel of peas for his sister and took them to her house. She told him "she like peas from a can best", translation: too lazy to shell them. I've talked to lots of people with big gardens who have told me they can't give their "overstocked" produce away, because people are too lazy to pick it. I told them next time call me!!!

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

We have had trouble giving away lots of veggies. Most are just too lazy, others don't know how to prepare food unless it is pre-prepared.

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

That's kind of what I was thinking. Most people are just too lazy and have been spoiled. I don't think it's the government at all. People don't want to be retrained. Too easy to get it from the grocery store.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I have friends here who give me what thay don't use from their garden (thank god for them). They are not only a blessing but the produce I get from them is of such a higher degree of freshness & taste that it is such a "treat". I have arainged w/a computer customer of mine who owns a small stable to collect some of her unneeded waste to be used in a new compost pile, for a new garden. Sure Mcdees is easy, and expensive, and not as good as "home grown" by far. - Dyson

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Here's what they miss - my whole spousal unit's family loved to get together on the porch, everyone with a bowl, and strung and broke white half-runner green beans. They also shucked corn together, and shelled peas together. They talked and laughed and it was all over fairly soon. Of course, we do not live in an extremely hot weather area and mosquitos are a rarity, so it was very comfortable but I have seen others along the lower south doing this in the evening on the porch, too.

Rocky Mount, VA(Zone 7a)

I work eves & my wife works days, at the same production line at the same plant, sometimes we are lucky enough too see each another at the time clock, not complaining, thank god we both have jobs, time together on the porch would be most enjoyable time no matter the chore involved.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

You guys and gals are cracking me up.
Woodspirt,Now a days you couldn't begin to smoke a cigar size Mary Jane,it's to good. (F1) you know. LOL.
Judy,I need to come to the firse P.A. Meeting--(Plant Addiction) I'm hooked too.I'm sure I could lure you off the wagon with some seeds I have in my stash. I hope you guys don't think I'm totally crazy/well maybe a little. I just couldn't keep me nose out of this thread. Jody

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

I had a friend on the old Garden.com (Garden Escape) who said she wasn't a gardener so much as she collected plants.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Judy! I 'snatched' some hosta seeds from my mom yesterday. Want them? I don't - I just snatched them in case someone else want's them... It's a medium sized green hosta - don't know the name unfortunately. The hosta is one I gave her along with a ton others after a break up - I dug them all out of my ex's yard! LOL - yes - he knew it - I didn't sneak in after dark or anything!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

JodyC - All comments are WELCOME!!!

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Jody - we're happy to have your nose here! No flower/plant/seed junkie will ever be turned away.

San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

Too funny, Judy! I'm sorry you fell off the wagon (not!)...hehehhe...anyhow, we'll all keep you company. Just remember, you're not alone!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

It's amazing how well I have learned to say "No" over this summer without a place of my own.

Next spring/summer may be a horse of a different color, LOL.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Goodness it is hard, isn't it. Fortunately, I'm sending out more than I'm keeping.

I sent out 10 boxes of cuttings the first of October and told the people only if they were satisfied should they reimburse me for postage. I have to admit I'm impressed, e v e r y o n e paid. I just don't think you would find 100% reimbursement from any other group of people. It certainly speaks highly of the DG subscribers.

Now I'm packing up and shipping out more boxes to the ones who indicated they would be interested. BUT I have to confess, I have incoming Brug cuttings, paying postage on some and trading for others.

Just Couldn't Say No!!!


This message was edited Nov 2, 2004 4:42 PM

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

OMG, Judy! I just opened my package! It's like Christmas in there! So much wonderful stuff - I need a little advice, though - I'm the world's worst rooter, so... do these babies want rooting compound and water, or rooting compound and potting soil? They are way to pretty to murder! HELP!

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Sequee - if you want another box just let me know or do you think that one which was 12x12x8 will keep you busy for awhile. (lol lol lol) If not now, remind me in the spring and I'll sent Angel & Dragon Wing Begonias''.


Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

I'm so glad you decided on a trade - I was feeling kinda sad that I didn't have anything to tempt the junkie! I feel SO MUCH better, now! ~:-)

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