Wild Flower Seed Picture

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Two or three years ago, I rushed back to a ditch long side the road to dig up the most beautiful plant with a deep orange/red cluster flower. At the time there were many of them but I was still hesitant to dig one up. This one was in the path of the road maintenance machines and they often spray for weeds in that area, so I decided to go ahead.

I travel the area frequently and here are none left!!! I was so very please when I found mine had seedpods this year. When one cracked open and started losing the seeds I collected it and finished the process. I took a picture of it the plant and bloom the first summer but now I am unable to locate it and the plant has died back, hopefully just for the winter.

The plant came up from a big tuber, 6-7 limbs straight up with slender, fuzzy, pointed leaves. Does anyone recognize the seedpod or can you tell me where to search for a wild plant based upon this description. Although it is highly likely that it is not a native, I remember seeing it drawn on a wild flower scene for a website when I was first searching for it's ID.

If I can ID it, I would be glad to share a few of the seeds or give them up completely to someone with more experience. I feel responsible!!!

Thumbnail by judycooksey
Northern, AR(Zone 6b)

I'ts a milkweed called Butterfly weed, Asclepias tuberosa,
very pretty when in bloom.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

You were exactly correct and the information delights me. Thank you ever so much for taking the time to help me.


Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Like this Judy? took this on my trip to Telluride this year.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

That is exactly it!!! Thank you for taking the time to post that picture!!


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Judy, the link on this thread http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/463639/ says it takes 2 years from seed.

There were a bunch of them in a pasture near my recent housing but I didn't get any before they cut it for hay. Maybe next year.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

wow, Darius that's so good to know. I snagged some hopefully ripe seeds from a cluster and plan on sowing them soon -- Now I will know to mark the spot extra well, so I know where they are.

Wait, do you mean two years to sprout? or two to flower? If that sounds too dumb...!:>( well, certainly have daturas come up where the seed musta lain at least that long before sprouting?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Blooms, go to that link, and then to Butterfly Bush. Info is there and not in my head, LOL.

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Blooms - this is the first year mine have had "seed pods", so I wonder about the seeds you gathered from the flower cluster???

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Like maybe the flower fluff stuff isn't seeds. I gotta go look and see if I can locate them now. pods you say Judy? not what I'm remembering. Now where was that envelope?... mmmore later.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Judy .. this (Butterfly Weed/Milkweed) .. is what the Monarch catepillars feed on too!!!!

Once a tuber is established .. the plant/s will just grow and bush so pretty! Lots of folks here, put the wire cages around them too (like with the Peonies) .. to give them support when they're starting their flower buds. Makes for some gorgeous 'bushes' with loads of flowers. Blooms are bright orange to reddish-orange flowers. There's also the occasion to get 'lucky' enuff to have some of the rare yellow flowers.

The Butterflies, hummers, moths, bees, wasps, etc. literally flock to the flowers!

It's been only a wee short experience for me .. but, the seeds are not difficult to germinate, where ever the winged seeds take them. But do have to dig somewhat deeeeep, to ensure you get the entire tuber .. should you deem the need to move any sprouts for any reason.

This is the first year I've opted to harvest the dry pods myself. Plan to get a lil 'hedge' row of them to come up over on the edge of my yard ... Once those pods bust open while on the plant .. those lil winged or 'feathered' seeds jes hitch a lil ride on the slightest of any dancing puff of air that comes along. hee

They get bushier ( more round) each year also .. as the tuber grows and matures! You should be most pleased with your 'ol bad wiley seff' (hee) .. in salvaging them from the roadside. Incidentally, that's where mine came from! .. hee .. Matter of fact, most all of the 'wildflowers' I have, came from the side o'da road !!!

Enjoy ... !!

- Magpye

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Okay. Not seeds, not from pods. just dried flower centers. Looked at pictures again, realize error. dummmy LOL

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

BloomsWithaView - I have seeds drying, do you want some??? This is the first time mine have had seeds so I do not know what I am doing, but will be glad to share the "unknown". Send me your address via email, if you want some.


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