CLOSED: New Round Robin?

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Does anyone want to volunteer for a new round robin? I've always wanted to participate but I always miss them and I'm unorginized to run one myself.

Volunteer? To organize it or be a participant?

Organizing it would be easy. Just make an announcement(done), let everybody sign up(started), make a list of the order it will be sent*, box up some seeds and send it to the first person on the list......which would be me if this where we sign up. ; - >

With seeds ready and waiting,

#2. dstartz

*a robin I was in recently had an index card for each participant in the box. Each card had a name, address and place on list(#1, 2 ...). Super easy to know which direction to point the robin after replenishing it.

I will always help if needed.... but robins are fun to organize and start so give it a try!!!!

Hey, CaptMicha, sheran is the perfect person from whom to learn. She has great robins!!!

San Jose, CA(Zone 9b)

I agree about Sheran's robins. She has me hooked. I would love to play along, please count me in.

Siloam Springs, AR

count me in...
this sounds fun!

There you go, CaptMicha. See how easy it is?

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

I have never joined in on a robin before.
But I think I want to try this one.
I have wanted to just didn't know enough about it.
So if you are starting one I would like to sign up.
~ Robbie~

Maben, MS(Zone 7b)

count me in.

CaptMicha, can we make this one go around a couple times, please? Looks like there are gonna be quite a few takers on this and I would love to have a chance at what the otherrs wil be putting in.

Let's see, so far that's 6 seed packets of each type I need to to make up.......... : - )

ok capt mich...the rest is easy.. pick a theme and just ask everyone to send their addresses to you...

put the names and addresses on postcards or address labels and number them in flight as we say " flight order".(those post cards will go in the box with your seeds...
each member takes out the next card uses it as a label and its off...

post the flight list so that everyone knows it and have them e mail you , you can use the edit option and update the flight!!!!!

I ususally send to the farthest so the package comes back to me.... saves traveling time.

-- the way I do robins is make them go backwards.... so everyone gets two
chances if that is what you think would be fun.

Do all the seeds have to be from our garden or seeds we've collected?

I ask because I recently bought some seeds and got 75 free Sundial Mango Hybrid F1 Portulaca seeds in the deal. Not sure I want any of them and I'm positive I don't want 75!

Brandon, MS(Zone 8a)

I'd love to join if this is going to "fly"!

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

OKay! I'll try it! Look at my new message. That's where you sign up.

Okay. Where?

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)


Medicine Hat, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm new at this too and I'd really like to give this a try!

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