So what kind of orchids does everyone grow?

I have mostly phals, but I also have several vandas, oncidiums, paphs, and a dendrobium. So what do you guys grow?

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

I just started collecting about a year ago but I, also have mostly Phalaenopsis & cattleyas, a few dendrobriums, oncidiums, cymbidums, vandas & masdevallias. I am branching out to new varieties which includes one of each: Phragmipedium, Paphiopedilum, Miltoniopsis, Sarcochilus hartmannii, & Odontoglossum. can you tell i'm addicted?

Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

i have an orange,drawf cattlya thats bloomed 4 times this year,amazing!
a drawf oncidium mounted on cork bark,no blooms yet.
a brassia i trying desperately trying to make bloom,
two oncidiums(unknowen)that bloom once or twice a year.
and something i think is a vanda.i bought it very young,and had many no blooms there ofcoarse.
i want to try miltonia too.

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I've just started my first (a phal) in a trade last fall, then another (laelia) in a trade, and most recently a dendrobium, a brassia, a degarmoara and another brassia (thanks Den!)...have 2 masdevallias coming soon....just hope I can do right by them all!

I grow hardy (in the UK) terrestrial orchids, mainly Dactyohrizas, but also bletilla, epipactis and serapias. Although they don't have the magnificent flowers of the exotic orchids, they are a lot easier to please LOL.

My mother has a wonderful little collection of oncidiums, dendrobiums, miltonia and phalanopsis she can only get one of them to flower every year.

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9a)

I have 2 phals and a cymbidium, but my favs are my 3 chocolate scented sharry baby oncidiums.

Wewahitchka, FL(Zone 8b)

I only have a few..2 dendrobrims, 1 bletilla, a couple phals. I have 8 beautiful lavender 'butterflys'on one plant now and it is the only one to bloom this, I take that back. My 'superbaum' bloomed earlier.

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Wewahitchka, FL(Zone 8b)

This message was edited Tuesday, Jul 3rd 9:35 AM

Petaluma, CA

Lookit all you Orchid addicts!! Not me. I've got a couple of Cymbids (very reliable in our region, doing well outdoors), a Perfect White Phal, a dwarf Onc. similar to Denny's, a Ludisia discolor, a Bollea violacea, an Onc.'Sharry Baby,' a Den. landesii, and a Zygopetalum. I think that's it. Most live in a 50gal aquarium among some ferns, Fittonias and Calatheas.
I'm not addicted...
Many of these are yet too young to bloom, having been obtained as rooted cuttings at orchid shows.
I'd be just fine without them. Uh huh.

Kylertown, PA(Zone 5b)

I have an oddball collection of a bunch of orchids, but I am mostly partial to catts and allied families.

The orchids that are considered to be "easy" and beginner's plants, I usually can't keep alive. I don't think I could grow a Paphiopedilum to save my soul.

The ones that are considered to be a little more difficult, grow like weeds for me. Broughtonia sanguinea is considered to be a diffcult plant, but I have had one for over eight years now and it grows and blooms like crazy.

Go figure.........

I love Draculas and Phalaenopsis the most!
I have several drac. species, 30 phals (including seedlings), 3 paphs, 3 psychopsis (2 of which are species), 2 Beallara's, 3 Onc, 2 Brassia's, 2 varieties of vanilla,
Aerides, Miltassa, ludisia, masd, dracuvallia and an epidendrum. I have no problems with keeping up humidity but have to grow in different rooms due to the different temps required. Me??? hooked on orchids? YES!!!!!

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9a)

I have just become foster mother to at least 50 young "toddler" orchids, fresh out of the flask. so delicate and such responisibility but am so excited!!!

Well, I promised I wouldn't get another orchid till I kept my Phal alive for at least a year... Now, I won't buy another name/known one till my phal blooms... I am too eager to spend money, throw good after bad, and have nothing to show for it. Speaking of, I have had this nub on my phal spike for nearly 7 months. WHY won't it bloom? I use orchid food everytime I water. I have a new leaf, lost an old one, but that was a blessing as it had been pretty beat up at the hardware store. I moved it closer to the window for more light intensity. It nearly sits atop my foutain. WHAT?

I have reedstem epidendrums that grow outdoors like mad fools, if I can keep the possum from munching on them, or digging in the bark for bugs! I have these in red, yellow, lavender, and I think I have a yellow/red combo that looks orangish. I even have a thriving, swelling seed pod on one. I cut the other off before I realized it had formed. Teach me to garden on autopilot!

I have resisted firmly several attractively priced orchids. (I resist learning too much about them as I might get sucked into coveting even more!) I saw the most beautiful one the other day, in a deep deep maroon/purple butterfly full bloom for only $14.50. You cannot beat the military commisaries for decent prices on orchids, and usually always in bloom when offered.

But I am standing firmly, until this phal blooms!!!

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

dory_06810.....I recently found out that one of my masdevallias is, indeed a Drac! and....I know very little about them. Any pointers? Do you grow yours exclusively indoors? Any advice appreciated! Cena....did you actually pass up the one in full bloom for $14.50? I couldn't have done must have some willpower!

Hey k'ht' you missed the new one we got the other day! Will post photo as soon as mom gets the new computer up and running! Let's see more orchid photos!

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

I've got one white Phalaenopsis hybrid, Ludisia discolor (don't remember the variety name), Goodyera pubescens var. miniatura (what a boring plant..), Epidendrums (little yellow flowers, unnamed, got them from California I have seeds of this if someone want's them.)
And then Dactylorhiza outside. Not too many, orchids are just so expensive here.
My phal is just starting to bloom =)

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

I just bought it today it is a Dendrobium Orchid (Klassic Beauties) the color is so beautiful is FUCHIA, PINK AND DARK PINK AND LITTLE WINE and in middle white and little yellow. I loves it.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

RdRose... try this url to learn more about ur phalanopsis orchid hope that help u understand more about ur orchid.


This message was edited Monday, Dec 24th 5:11 AM

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

This message was edited Monday, Dec 24th 10:37 AM

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Thank you MaVie for hyperlink of Dendrobium (Orchid) that I has and enjoy it to read about it.

Evert! yes about Dendrobium too also~ =)

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

u're very welcome RedRose :)! Merry Christmas to u.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil(Zone 11)

Just saw this old thread, I thought I would "ressurrect" it.

I have something around 50 species and lots of clones, I think 80% of them are natives. I have a Phal, 4 Dendrobiums and a Renanthera coccinea, and possibly one or another non natives that I canīt remember now.

I have 7 Laelias (2 L. labiata, L. tenebrosa, L. flava, the other 2 are possibly L. labiata too, but never bloomed), 5 Epidendrums (E. fulgens (grows like a weed, blooms like a jewel), E. elipticum, E. denticulatum, E. orchidiflorum, and another one that never bloomed), 5 Oncidiums (2 O. flexuosum, which is about to bloom, and others that I have IDed before but forgot the names :^P), 3 Cattleyas (C. forbesii and C. intermedia, C. amethystoglossa), 3 not IDed Pleurothallis, 2 Sophornitis coccinea, a Bulbophyllum, a Maxillaria tenuifolia, a Leptotes paulensis, 2 Brassavola perrinii, a BLC "Turanbeat", a Cyrtopodium paranaense, and a few others that I have absolutely no idea of what they are because I never saw the flowers.

Fair Lawn, NJ(Zone 6b)

I am happy you resurrected the thread.
I grow different groups of plants and my favorites nowadays are my Orchids. ( along with Passifloras, Stapeliads and and and.... ) At this time they are too numerous to list them all, but here is my web address

and go to Orchidcorner
My Vanda David Gardner, the Stanhopea wardii, Encyclia brassavolae are flowering right now, along with some of the very cute Pleurothallis and Masdevallias and Aerangis. Some of the Cattleyas and Laelias are spiking for fall flowering. There is always something to be enjoyed.

Norwalk, IA(Zone 5b)

A few vanda species and a few cattleyas here.More kinds at work.

Thumbnail by Eclipse
Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Some phals, brassias and oncidium. I keep trying dendrobiums, but keep killing them. Oh well. I have one brassia that's bloomed 5 times this year! And a colmanara wildcat in spike now.

Thumbnail by beclu727

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