HELP!!!! Overrun with Black-eyed Susan Vine!!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I had a hanging basket of this 'thing" on my front porch last year. This year it has taken over in 4-5 different places in my yard and flower beds. It has literally smothered a climbing rose and a morning glory.

How did it get in so many different places?


Any help will be GREATLY appreciated by me and my poor plants who are being invaded!

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

I can't help you out with your problem but I think its funny that you're trying to get rid of it and I'm trying to grow it! If I'm successful in establishing it I'll be sure to watch for the seeds. Sounds like it can become invasive.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I didn't know there was a black eyed susan VINE, does it have pretty flowers?do you have a picture

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Here is one I have in a basket that doesn't seem to produce seeds. They are in the thunbergia family. Now, this one is huge and mixed in with my sweet autumn clematis. Both will be gone before long.

Thumbnail by Brugie
San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Roundup. The reseed pretty readily here and yanking them does not seem to deter them much.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

lol same here i finally got one to grow -it was in with my summer squash!!

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

They definately produce seeds and the seed pods, when ripe, EXPLODE sending seeds flying! That's how you got it in so many places. I'm with Kimaz - trying to get some growing here! My neighbor has it, I got seeds last year and the vine is growing, but haven't had bloom one on it! The seed pods are hard to describe - they start out green and are round with a point on the top - they kind of look like a childs top. You won't find many brown ones because, as soon as they are ready to go, THEY GO!

Good luck! Wish you would send some of you good luck growing these my way! :-)


Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I usually don't mind plants volunteering in my garden as I like the cottage look.
However, this vine has taken over!! It strangled out my once gorgeous and robust Heavenly Blue MG and now it's on 2 rose bushes, in an azalea bed and almost overtook my ipomopsis rubra vine.

I can't use roundup as it is in all my flower beds near roses. azaleas. etc... am afraid I'd kill them. Pulling it up doesn't deter it either.

Mine looks similar to the one in the photo but flowers aren't as big or pretty.

Maybe b/c I live in such a warm climate that it has gone bonkers.

I would highly recomend against this vine in the warmer climes!!!

Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

Look for the seedlings and pull them out. Once you figure out what they look like, they come out easily. You can pull them out any time you see them before they come into flower.

They start flowering here in about July. Once they flower you can prevent the seed heads from forming by deadheading the faded blooms.

Leave a few volunteers or transplant to a site you prefer. This will assure plants forever!

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

If they get mixed into other plants before you notice, pull or cut the root. You can also use Roundup on a paint brush for places where you can't spray. I've done that alot along the edge of a flower bed and in some cases, in the flower bed. The paint brush came in handy around the iris. Had to edit and come back to remind you that there are products that can be used that don't allow fallen seeds to germinate. Preen is one of them. I use it every year in my beds and it works great.

This message was edited Oct 10, 2004 8:26 AM

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for all the advice!!!!

Since it's about little over a month til our first projected frost, I'll let nature take it's course. But come spring, I'm gonna get me some Roundup and a paint brush- so look out thunbergia-LOL!!!

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

I love the look of this vine in full bloom. However, I have two very large vines growing up a trelis that DH built on two of the front porch posts, and they refuse to bloom. I ammended the clay, put down fertilizer, watered, put down more fertilizer, watered more...... no blooms! I am lucky to get three blloms on the entire plant. They both are about 8 feet tall at least, but they just haven't bloomed for me at all. The vine looks healthly though. When I purchased them, they were loaded with buds, and they all went away after planting. Maybe I should be glad I don't have the seeds everywhere, but I would have preffered that problem, I think !

Susan McCoy

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I'm with you Susan - I got seeds from my neighbors plant last year and started them in pots, one of them even started blooming in the pot - but when I set them out - no blooms! Still not one bloom on the whole vine that is quite large and healthy but refuses to bloom!

But my neighbor does nothing but mow them down and they come back and bloom and bloom! maybe they need to be mis-treated to thrive?


Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Onalee, thanks you so much for sharing this! I thought it was me!! Here I am this "gardener" who loves to work outdoors and loves her garden... and I can't get the things to bloom. My brother and sister in law on the other hand, (Not at all as nuts about plants as I am) just planted it around an outdoor lamp post, and it went gangbusters on them. I felt as though I had done something really worng... But what? my green vines look great.. but NO blooms!! If I could actually get seed, I'd plant them elsewhere next year, but good luck after so few blooms... I'll check just incase :)


Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

soul and onalee,
Now if I had your problem that would be even worse!! At least I have yellow blooms everywhere and not just green vines-LOL!!!.
I have done nothing to mine(obviously) and they are blooming their little heads off!
Some of mine are in full sun and some are in shade. They are in good soil and red clay.

I believe too much nitrogen can cause all foliage at the expense of blooms? Try not fertilizing them at all next year.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Berry, Are you collecting seed or just pulling it out to be done with it? I'd love to get some seeds of your great plants and maybe I'd have better luck next time. Is it really choking things out? It just seems like such a friendly, pretty vine :)

I did go heavy on the osmacoat (sp?) when I first planted and then a while later after no blooms, I did it again and I may have been doing more harm. I thought I was putting something on them that was balanced. Here's a lesson for me to learn how to do things in a more organic style.

Susan McCoy

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

I also have them in a basket and in the ground and I don't fertilize. Lots of blooms. Well, not now...they got hit by a frost. The year is over for most of us in Iowa. Just cleanup to do now.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I have left most of it alone and will take great pleasure watching mother nature get rid of it for me with our soon coming frosts-LOL!

It covered up and literally choked out a huge Heavenly Blue MG. I also had it almost do the same to a trumpet vine. I was able to pull all of it out.

I have been sick a lot the last few months and had to neglect my gardens. That is how this overgrown situation happened.

I see we're close and in the same zone and I believe it thrives really well here in Ga. After telling you of my horror- if you really want some- I will try to get you some seeds. BUT...... come next year if this happened to you also, please don't hate me OK??? LOL!!!!
I have never tried to collect the seeds and am told it's tricky to get them. I know they're in the pointy pod- looking thing but the timing is iffy. One day you'll look and the pod looks green and not ready to harvest yet and a few days later you go back and its already burst and disappeared, leaving seeds everywhere. This is obviously what happened to me.

Marietta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey Berrygirl, Thanks for trying!! I will try to see if there are any seeds whatsover on mine.. I do like it :) I like the cottage counrty garden look myself, and this fits right in. I was talking to my husband about it last night and he suggested that the ph is wrong for it to flower. He reminded me of how I heavily top dressed my evergreens in coffee grounds last fall and that the ground around it may be to acidic and I didn't put down any lime when I amended the soil. Hmmmm? A valid possibility??


Shalimar, FL(Zone 8a)

You might have better luck sending seedlings than catching seeds. I searched all last year for seeds and could never find them, although I had lots of seedlings in the spring.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

The seeds are hard to find because they go from green to brown and then POOF gone in a short time. You really have to check daily or even 2-3 times a day to get them at just the right moment . . . . I found that trying to harvest seeds from my neighbors plant - I drove him crazy over there looking for seed pods all the time!


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