Pineapples in containers

Clewiston, FL(Zone 9b)

This year we are adding pineapples and I wondered who had grown these in containers. My customers would grow these indoors during the winter and take outside in the warmer months. Any advice, ideas?

I heard that it takes longer to produce the first year and the fruit is smaller.


Gardena, CA

I have one growing in a small 6" pot, purely by accident. Last Christmas, while visiting my mom in AZ, I cut the top off the pineapple and thought about planting it when I got home. It flopped around in the back of my truck for about 2 weeks before I even remember it. I stuck it in the ground thinking it would never root or even grow.

A week later, I found it again after the dog dug it up and it was still green but no roots. I had an extra pot laying around and stuck it in there to see what would happen. Well, here it is, 10 months later and that plant is thriving, about a foot tall now, good roots. I feel that if I continue to neglect it, I might even get it to bloom next summer. I have never actually seen a real pineapple plant before and have no idea what I am doing. I am going to start babying this one for the winter and see what happens. All I can tell you is that it is doing real well in a small container. (soon to be transplanted to a larger one).

Gardena, CA


I noticed you are in zone 9. I am in zone 10 so you should not have any problems with the weather. Trust me, If I can grow a pineapple, you can too.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Hey, that's great! My gardening group at the Adult Day Care Center was just asking about growing pineapple last week and I told them I hadn't a clue! Then I promptly forgot about it...until I saw this thread! Now I can bring in pineapples for a snack on Wednesday and plant the tops with them - they're going to be so impressed by my follow-through! You guys are the best! I love this site!!! (And I was just feeling guilty for sitting inside on a gorgeous Saturday instead of being outside raking leaves - ta, da! Guilt free now!

We recently harvested a pineapple from a plant that's growing in a 10 gal? container(round, short, black trash can). We got the idea from a friend in Houston and our DIL in Corpus.

Before harvest the pineapple had started growing new growth out the top. My DH trimmed it off and stuck it in another container were it's happily growing.

BTW The pineapple my DH grew was, without a doubt, the best pineapple either of us had ever eaten. Sweet, but not too much so and smooth, no vicious bite like some pineapple can have.


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