June 15, 2001

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Roosters crowing here. Hubby wants to go out the local cafe for breakfast.
My brother called me last night. He wanted to talk to me about cattle. He sold a couple heifers that he had bought earlier in the year. He made a little money on them and was thrilled. Prices are up right now and he was really curious when I was going to sell my calves. I told him if I sold my calves I would just turn around and buy more heifers with the money. If I don't turn my money around quickly back into the farm -- hubby can think of many ways to spend money on non-farm items. Brother thinks I should sell an old tractor that has been sitting for some time and buy cattle with the money. Was really hoping to trade up on the tractor, but Big Brother has a good point. Anyway he had lots of interesting points to ponder.
Gentle rain here this morning after it raining most of the day yesterday.
Take Good Care

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