Lost in counting........

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Last saturday at my Mom's house. At night, I went outside to the car port.. and look up.. Oh my.. There was full of Gecko? lizards around upper of corner of wall by the ceiling.. ARe they Gecko.... IN the monring, they was gone.. Mom said they come back in the nights.. and gone in the morning.. I think they went inside in the wall around ceiling..

Thumbnail by MiniSchnuz
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

more of gecko?...

Thumbnail by MiniSchnuz
New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Here's the last pix.. I would post many pictures of them but I decided to post 3 of it. There was sooo many and I couldn't count them all.. they move and trying to get hid from me. LOL..

I think they all are cute... :o)

Thumbnail by MiniSchnuz
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Aren't they cuties??
We have a lot of those, too. We even find them in the house, sometimes...
A few weeks ago, I saw a Petsmart ad, advertising them for sale. They were on sale for $29 each!
I could be rich if I started catching and selling all mine! lol...you could, too! lol...

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Selling geckos in Petsmart? LOL imagine that.

Mini that is the cutest invasion I've ever seen.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Yes, here in Pet Marts, they do sell them even the regular green lizards. We have full of them on my plants not the gecko..

I'm jealous! Wonderful house guests you have!

Modi'in, Israel

That is soooo cool! And if you don't like spiders (like me hehehe) those geckos will certainly take care of any problem you may have had! They are welcome house guests in my home especially as they don't like being seen. They are there, everyone knows they are there (in most homes here anyway), but it is rare that you actually see one. I've seen a few babies, but I think those just haven't learned to be sneaky like the adults yet LOL Once they get bigger though, they are really good at hiding.

$29 seedpicker?! Wow! You really should start netting those up. LOL


Frederick, MD

They sure are cute! Great example of an invasive/alien species though. That's why there are so many. Most predators don't know what to make of them...is that food? No natural diseases etc... Classic example of a serious problem. But, they sure are cuties, I do agree. They look translucent and rubbery. They remind me of "Creepy Crawlers" we used to make out of rubbery stuff in an "easy bake oven" type apparatus back in the early seventies. Anybody else ever make Creepy Crawlers?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

We were too busy making chocolate cakes in my neighbors "Betty crocker" easy bake oven...we'd eat/make about six a day!...
Mmm...fond memory.
What in the world did you cook, to make c.crawlers?

Frederick, MD

We made a rubbery goo, pour it in the little bug molds and then cook it with that dangerous light bulb. Some would glow in the dark. It was my brother's. I was so lucky he let me in on the fun. He owed it to me after all, he did run my barbie camper down the steps and cut all the hair off of my giant barbie head beauty shop :(

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

aah Those wonderful childhood memories. laughing here.

Frederick, MD

He still owes me a barbie head beauty shop. Maybe I'll use his son....

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)


New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Oh wow that is a lot of them so cute so same as here has some but not see much lately so they eat the mosquitos and other little critters.
Thank for sharing the pictures are great.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

I am jealous seedpicker. I have yet to see a lizard in the 10 years we have been here! Snakes, land terrapins, yes but, not one lizard.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

imway2dumb-...That's strange...no ghekos, OR lizards??

Maybe you keep your place too "tidy". They like a lot of foliage and green cover. We kinda have the "overgrown" look going... lol...

I prune things, but not very often. I don't like the "overmanicured" look, so probably bend a little extra the other way. I've heard that this type just the type of environment they like to hide, and hunt, in...

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Ha! If untidy is what they like this is the perfect enviroment! I've not even seen a lizard in my travels!

Frederick, MD

Way2, you just aren't looking down often enough. Nobody likes to hike with me. I'm so slow because I'm always looking down and around. I don't hike just to walk. I could do that on a treadmill. I do it to see what's happnin and who is around.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

I've always thought of myself as having pretty good powers of observation. Both natural and trained. If I wasn't seeing something that was there seems like someone else would. :-)

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

To tell you how old I am...I had an 'original issue' Creepy Crawler baker. It had a little tray that heated up HOT.We had metal molds that you lowered onto the hot tray with tongs,and it would in fact burn you good if you touched it. No little wimpy light bulb. Our 'goo' came in little squeeze bottles and we made tons of bugs, worms, spiders and reptiles.....this was circa 1965.

Frederick, MD

Okay--you remember way more about it than I do. It was probably circa 69 or 70 for me. I was just confusing the easy bake oven (light bulb and mixing) with the creepy crawler set. You are probably right, or they updated it to make it safer by that time. But, I do remember the squeeze bottles now that you say that, so I know we didn't really mix it. Also--must be a KY thing cause that's where I grew up ;)

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I think enough parents complained about burnt fingers that they changed the baking setup...but ours was well used regardless...we loved the thing.

Frederick, MD

Ahhh, the advent of overly safety conscious toy makers. Cracks me up how every tiny plastic bag has a choking warning these days.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

I never see lizards around here either. I figured I had not been observant enough and have been trying to keep my eyes out for them, but still nothing. I remember occasionally seeing them as a kid at my grandmothers in a Dallas suburb, just none up here yet.

Frederick, MD

I see no lizards in Maryland unless I am hiking in an area with lots of rocks or rocky cliffs that get sun. I have salamanders though.

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