Corkscrew Vine

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

My corkscrew vine has had buds for well over two weeks now. But all of a sudden, the leaves closest to the ground have yellowed and fallen off and the flower buds are falling off! Can anyone tell me what is going on?

I have it in a pot, I water it when the top soil starts to get dry and I don't feed it. It's been doing GREAT up until now. I just don't understand.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

They are fussy and will do that...sorry that happened to you!
They are sensitive to too much water. You may want to actually stick your finger down into the soil to check to see if it needs water. Sometimes the top can feel dry, but a few inches below, it is still moist.
I would recommend some fertilizer, at this point, and even some superthrive. You can get small bottles of superthrive at Home Depot. It has vitamins and hormones. It will help jump-start your vine back to health.

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