Best Pimento Pepper and eggplant harvest ever

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

I always try Pimento Peppers but usually only had a couple that ripened before a frost ended the harvest. This year I picked about 3 dozen nice ripe ones. They are planted in old automatic washer tubs-3 each I think- and one 15" plastic pot from Dollar General. I really like Dollar General pots. They are inexpensive and last well.

We also harvested about 15 or so Ichaban eggplant from 3 plants in an old washer tub. These are even somewhat in the shade on the north side of the garage.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I like Dollar General Pots too. Very nice.
I like to buy christmas at Dollar General too.

Wow---Pimentos dont produce much do they. I have heard they take longer to produce than other peppers.
What do you use the pimento for; cooking wise? Do you use it like a bell pepper. Does it taste like a bell pepper?


Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Pimento Peppers do take a long time to ripen, Cricket, but they are the only non-hot peppers that my hubby can eat without getting an upset stomach. I use them in any recipes I use peppers.

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

I will try them come Spring. My hubby cant eat bell peppers. Upset Tummy too.

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