Confederate Rose Hibiscus

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Does anyone know when I should be seeing bloom buds on mine 11' "tree" ?
DH is threatening to jerk it out if it doesn't bloom this year (HE thinks it's unattractive ~ what does he know?!)
This was a baby last spring, but grew to a pretty good size by last fall. Now it's humongous, but I see no bloom buds. hmmmm

Premont, TX(Zone 9b)

Mine just started to bloom today ! You should see blooms no later than next month.check the top of the branches and see if you have buds yet

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

thanks emh.
I've been checking it every day for bloom buds, but I see now your at least a zone warmer than I am, so I just need to keep my patience in check.

I'll post here as soon as I see some buds, and then update as they bloom for me (high hopes? great expectations?)


Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Mine is new this year and it has nice buds now.
charlotte in SC zone 7a

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

I went out yesterday evening to water my lawn and glanced up at my huge Conf. Rose TREE and it's got bloom buds ALL OVER IT!

Will be SURE to take pictures when the blooms are full!
~ Carole

Ripley, MS

Mine is also full of buds, it is about 5' tall, this is the second year I have had it. It is worth waiting on its blooms, they are beautiful

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Tada!!! Bloomed yesterday!!!
Here's the beautiful first bloom:

Thumbnail by Cajun2
(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

emh... a group of folks are talking about meeting at the Lewisville Plant Swap Oct. 30th. Here's the thread if you're interested:

There's also a plant swap in the Texas Hill Country (Llano) Oct. 16th. Here's the link for that group:

Hope you can make it to either one or both!

~ Carole

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Oh my that's GORGEOUS! Does it grow from seed? I've never seen one out here in CA! I love Hibiscus and have several H. syracus, but H. mutalibis is never in the nurseries...I wonder if we're too dry here?

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Not 100% positive, but I have rec'd seeds before. This one started as a puney little "twig" last spring (2003) from a friend. I THINK she started it from seed... PDB info says it can be:

I'd be happy to share the seeds I got before or will get from mine.

(waiting now for my SECOND bloom! *grin*)

Premont, TX(Zone 9b)

I have plenty of seeds and yes they grow great from seed.also have cutting to share.....Have the double that turns pink , the single white that turns pink the triple pink that turn a hot pink and the single pink that turns a darker pink also a single hot/red pink one..

Jesteburg-Wiedenhof, Germany(Zone 8a)



(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Wintermoor! I'm excited!

emh... would you mind telling me EXACTLY how to take cuttings from mine? I'd LOVE to share them with friends, but I'm really clueless as to how to go about it.

I'll no doubt have seeds too, and I'll try to propagate my own that way as well.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Ah Cajun2 you're awesome...would LOVE some seed. What's your passion, we can trade! K

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Salvias are my passion! Any color!!
I do have Red Texas Sage (S. coccinea), an Autumn Sage (bright pinkish blooms) S. greggii, a 'Blue Bedder' or Mealy Cup Sage (S. farinacea), one that I THINK is 'May Night' (S. nemorosa), and one that has not bloomed for me yet, but I love the foliage. It's S. sclarea v. turkestanica, or Clary Sage. I have no idea what color the bloom will be.

All this to say... yes.. I'd LOVE any kind of Salvia seeds you might have. I'm almost desperate for some yellow, and want to be SURE I have some 'Coral Nymph' in my garden next year.

Is your address in DG's address exchange? (Mine is)

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

The only one of these that I have seen had white, pink and dark pink blooms on the same plant.
I got a cutting from my aunt and this bush has white blooms that turn darker pink each day.
I purchased a cutting at a local flea market and it has not had any white blooms yet, just pink ones that get darker.
Are these two different Confederate Rose bushes?

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Carole, I have seeds from my 'Coral Nymph' S. coccinea. You want some? :)

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Charlotte!
This is my first one to watch (CRH), so I really don't know what I'm talking about (lol). Just excited it's COVERED it bloom buds and has finally begun blooming. What kind of cutting did you get? Or maybe tell me what it looked like so I know I'm getting people the right part!!

Sweezel, yes ma'am! I'd LOVE some of your Coral Nymph seeds! I'll save you some of these (CRH) if you're interested.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Sounds great! I will put your name on them for the swap.

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

You can have both white that turns pink then darker pink and there's a pink that turns a darker pink, almost red

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Mine started out this morning a darker shade of pink and as the day wore on it became paler to a light pink. Very pretty!!

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Yes, Georgiaredclay, but are these 2 different plants ?

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Ok now THIS morning... the same bloom that went from dark to pale pink was dark again (not dying at all really), and there was a NEW one opened at the top of the "tree" that was pale pink... It's cool to have new surprises every day!!

Still need good info on how to take cuttings to share! HELP!!!
Going to a swap this weekend (16th) and another on the 30th ~ want to share the RIGHT kind of cuttings.

Maben, MS(Zone 7b)

I wait untill right before my first frost and cut it down and just cut the stocks into pieces about 10" long and place them in a jar or vase and it will put out leaves and them roots.

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Ahhhh sounds good! Thanks hon!

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

Cajun, I've never done it but I think it would probably root like most other things. Take a cutting long enough to be somewhat hardened and not too freshly green.

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