Firefox - fixes, tips and tricks

Spokane, WA

hi all,

i had a glitch occur in my browser today after going through tools and doing a bit of tweaking. what occured was i lost/couldn't load the headers/images to DG. it took me a bit to figgure out what i'd changed to cause that. in options section , web features, at the bottom of the screen it has an option of "load only images from the originating website'... i thought (wrongly) that it refered to 'third party' websites, as in popups, etc. DG, like other sites, does not store all of their images on the main url, but fetches them from different locations as it loads out a page. so... lesson here is...

'if you suddenly loose the DG header and first row of navigation buttons, check to see if you have checked that box in the tools/options menu.'

the path is 'tools/options/web features/load images/... then a box that should stay unchecked which says 'for the originating website only'

and, if any of you who read this have discovered anything that solves a prob or makes surfing with firefox easier, please post it here.



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