Moving Crapemyrtles and Maple Trees

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

I've had two Crapemyrtles volunteer in my front flower bed, and would like to move them out to another location. When is the best time to do this? I'm thinking after it loses its leaves, but not sure.

Also, I've had two volunteer maples (I think and hope ;-) come up in odd spots in my yard. But I love maples and would love to move them to more suited spots. When should this be done?

Here's one of them... can someone tell if indeed it IS a maple?

Thanks in advance!
~ Carole

Thumbnail by Cajun2
Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

As small as these specimens are, Cajun2, I think you could move them almost any time after they go dormant. Just make sure you get all the root material you can when you dig them.

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Thank you so much. My DH had gardening "shoved down his throat" (so to speak) growing up, so he wasn't so thrilled that I started the same hobby. Now that he knows he is NOT expected to be my manual labor guy and he has learned to appreciate MY abilities and the results thereof, he's willing to OFFER his help and even suggestions. He ASKED me about moving the trees and wanted me to find out when would be the best time.

I'm tickled to be able to get the trees I'd LIKE in my yard for a change, and feel blessed that these maples "presented themselves." (smile)

Happy Gardening!

Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

I've been puzzling over the plant you suspect is a Maple. At first I wasn't so sure that it was. I've done some research, and I suspect it may indeed be a Red Maple (Acer rubrum) with an odd leaf shape. Trees are hard to identify by leaf shape alone because they are so variable. Other obvious identifying characteristics include the flower, the fruit and the bark. Less obvious characteristics would be the leaf scar and small marks within that called bundle scars. Of course range is also a factor.

I suggest that you post your photo on the Identification forum so that more than one plant sleuth can have a look at it. I could well be way off base.


(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

Sounds good to me, Bob. I took new pictures of the two I suspect are Maples, as well as a couple I'm not really sure about. HOPEfully what we have are Maples, since we both really like ANY variety of them.


Beaverton, OR

The leaves are a bit juvenile - but amur maple comes to mind too.

What seed sources exist at or near your location?

(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

There are several varieties of Maples in our neighborhood, as well as quite a few other varieties of trees.

Ok got my pictures now... I'll post them separately.
You don't have to ID these here, if you don't want to.
Just thought you'd want to see.

Thumbnail by Cajun2
(Carole) Cleveland, TX(Zone 9a)

And now the second one.

Thumbnail by Cajun2

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