Sept in the shade garden....

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

After being gone for two weeks I thought for sure my garden would be on it's last leg. Imagine my surprise to see that it thrived. Not looking to bad for this time of the year.

The back part of the shade garden. Late fall I'm having all the trees taken out except the large oaks. Getting way too much shade back there plus the pines are on their last branch.

EEEKKKK wrong picture- pretend this one isn't here.

This message was edited Sep 11, 2004 11:54 AM

Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Some of the beds..

Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

The wild messy area..

Thumbnail by datdog
Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

A brugmansia that grows very good in the shade. Too bad it's right in the middle of the darn side walk.

This is one of the front beds.. Brugmansia 'Kyle's Pink'

Thumbnail by datdog
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Kristi, your garden is always SO BEAUTIFUL!

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks so much Shirley. I really do enjoy it.

Belmont, NC(Zone 7b)

So beautiful. You must work so hard! I have a lot in the shade that aren't supposed to be there.
Love to break the rules. Your brug is really special and the color is so varied. Does it get any sun at all?

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Smooth I don't do anything to these beds. They are very low maint. The area the brug is in is my walk way. It's under the tree and gets dappled shade. Thanks for the nice comments.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Nice!! Very lush shade gardens! I hope you don't mind but I peeked at the first picture as well. ;-)

What is the shrub in the "Another" picture? It is the one towards the back between the two trees that looks to have pink flowers.

- Brent

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

hi kristi - probably asked you this before! how do you keep the deer away? :>)
your yard is spectacular!

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

kristi -

I am also curious about the blooming shrub in the "another" picture. Thanks for sharing!


Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Lovely gardens, Kristi. I really enjoyed the tour!

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Every single time I sit down to answer this thread I get side tracked.
The shrub in the picture is a oak leaf hydrangea unknown variety. I just love it. It will even grow in deep shade and bloom. I keep the deer out with a fence, and a pretty one too. LOL Came with the house but someone sure put some money into it. Thanks everyone for your great comments. I never get to share my yard with anyone. None of my friends garden. I sure wish you guys lived close.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm the same way, Kristi. Don't have any gardening neighbors although I have just started a garden club at work. We are having our third meeting this week during our lunch hour. Most of the girls are just petunia and pansy type gardners, don't really get down and dirty. I'm trying to convert them but it is slow going. Taking lots of seeds, cannas and ees to the meeting on Tuesday hoping that I might light a fire under them! LOL

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

im only an hour from philly :>) maybe next spring we can get together,datdog!

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Good luck with your gardening club Trunnels! Sounds like you'll get the gals shaped up in no time...

That would be great Hands....

Mifflintown, PA(Zone 6a)

Datdog your gatden is beautiful. Do you feed the birds? I like to find plants that the birds like. I am rather lazy and that is my favorite winter time thing. bird watching.

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thank you oriole. I do feed the birds. We also have a fish pond for them to drink out of. Plus I make all these little bird baths that I've put all over.

Thumbnail by datdog
Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

That is a particularly lovely example of your creative art. I've followed the other thread where your work is showing up.

Can't figure out why you'd want us to ignore that lovely shot of your yarden area, it' really quite nice and helped orient the other pretty pics. You put a lot into that loveliness. Thanks for sharing. ~Blooms

Mifflintown, PA(Zone 6a)

Nice birdbaths. Are they hyp--- leaf castings?

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Very Nice,
How long have you been working on this garden? I love that things are not over crowded yet everything is touching. You have given everything it's own space to let it become what it should. The textures & varying heights... nice job.

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

datdog -

I was surprised to see the leaf bird bath. My wife is a professional potter and does something similar. Are yours ceramic also?

Now I see that there is more of your work on another thread. Can you give a hyperlink? Thanks,


This message was edited Oct 5, 2004 5:16 AM

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Again, thank you for your kind comments. We moved in about three years ago. The rhodies and the false cypress hedge were in here. All the other shrubs and perennials I brought in. There was only one perennial in all of the back yard.

The bird bath is a casting done with a concrete sand mix. Unless dropped on rocks or a side walk it can withstand just about anything. I never bring any of them in the house for the winter. pdkrones, check out this thread it has some links with some great instructions on how to get started.

Here is a overview of part of the shade garden in spring. It shows the amount of space I have.

This message was edited Oct 5, 2004 7:32 AM

Thumbnail by datdog
Newburgh, IN(Zone 6a)

Wonderful garden!!!!!! Do you have to take any of those plants in for the winter. I have to admit I am a bit lazy when it comes to rotating plants. I love to plant them, ONCE. We are creating a new garden walk in a shady area and need suggestions for plants. Any advice would be deeply appreciated.

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Kristi, I had a very shady property too. Can you spare some cuttings of Kyle's Pink? It's just what I need....

Newburgh, IN(Zone 6a)

Here is a picture of the area we are redoing. We pour the stepping stones from a mold. We will fill in the cracks when we are done. Began this project about 3 weeks ago. Just putting in plants that we have access to at the moment. Ferns, ground cover, etc. Welcome suggestions.

Thumbnail by MsMaati

About all I can say is that is the look I am trying to achieve. Not that it willhappen for me any time in the near future but I can always come back to your thread with all these photos and point out to my friends what I would like to someday have. Very beautiful. So full and lush with an assortment of textures.

Medford, NJ(Zone 6b)

Thanks MsMaati! I do take most of the tropicals in. Most of what you seen in the ground is perennial plants. I'm too lazy to keep digging. Although I do move plants all the time. I have almost 100 % sand so it's very easy to dig. Your stone project is beautiful! Ferns will look great there! As will most shade plants.

Hey woodspirt1 sure can in the spring. Right now it's loaded with pods and they need to get ripe. It does need some sun to bloom earlier in the season.

Thank you Equilibrium- I did this in three growing seasons. You can do it! Just start with the soil and everything will fall into place. If you don't like how something is placed move it until you do like it. You would never believe how much I move things. Some of them even end up resting in the compost pile. My garden is too small to have plants that don't preform.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

datdog, your gardens are lovely and thanks for sharing with us. Everything looks so lush and happy. I am still irrigating, it is so dry here. We have had great fall weather tho, so I'm not really complaining. daytimes mid 70s, and no frost yet. Donna

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

What a lovely patio area! How big are your beds around the patio? What have you put in so far? What is that on the left? Hostas would be beautiful and maybe a small boulder with toad lily growing up over it.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

These are really breathtaking. I can see from the pictures that I hit a golden thread. I tend to make more "messy" gardens but I'm always in awe of people who really have a gift for design.

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Kristi, lovely gardens. I'm really interested in how you achieved the color of your 'leaf'? It almost looks like a copper patina. Hoping to make some next year and would love to create the same look you have here.

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