14 June 2001

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Good morning!

Grumble, grumble, whine, whine. Late leaving for work today, meaning I'll be sitting in traffic this afternoon. Snivle, snivle. Blessing 240 : I'm healthy and employed enough to complain about traffic! (I'm *really* trying hard to looking forward to a two hour drive home. Really.)

Well, I'm usually here before sunrise, but I have to admit, it was a radient pink sunrise in the rear-view mirror this morning. A cool 65*F and little wispy clouds. I had the windows down, and even with the freeway oil and exhaust fumes, I could smell the day warming up. Gonna be a hot one in the valley - low 100*F.

Peaches, peaches - I am waiting! Maybe they'll be some yummy white ones this weekend? Or perhaps some juicy yellow cling? They're blushing on the trees now, and no longer hiding among the leaves in their green robes. I can smell them in the still morning air - still a little green hint to their aroma right now - but definately, the smell of ripening peaches! Some are almost the size of softballs - can't wait to wipe that fuzzy skin off and bite into that melting sweetness! I never ate them as a kid, but I can just feel 10 years old again when that peach juice is dribbling down my chin! Ah, the day is looking better!

Well, my children may take farm-fresh, picked-today fruits for granted right now, but I'm sure they *will* appreciate them when they move out and eat the card-board stuff from the store. I'm trying to get them to connect the farmer (especially the family farmer - hoping there is still such a thing) with the food, but I'm not sure I'm getting through. Perhaps sometimes you just have to do your best and have faith.

Blessings to you! Have a wonderful day!


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