lilac + lawnmower - Help!

Lansing, MI

My lilac tree is dying on one side. It is still small and has only been in the ground for about 2 years, but was doing really well. I didn't think to look at ground level but looked all over the internet for what kind of pest/disease could cause this! A couple of days ago I checked at the base of the trunk and found that a big chunk was taken out with a lawnmower. (My stepson said he didn't want to tell me because he knew how disappointed I would be) How can I save this lilac before winter kills it? It seems to be trying to repair itself, but most of the leaves are very dry.

Lansing, MI

Well, I put some mulch around it to prevent further damage and gave it some extra food. Is there a chance it is old enough to cut off and hope the roots will regrow? I really could use a response as I want to make my stepson feel better.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Can you show us a picture of the plant and the damage? You may simply be able to clip off the damaged area and let the undamaged part take over. If the roots are good and strong you should also get some suckers sprouting from that area.

Lansing, MI

I'm afraid I don't have a digital camera, but I will try your advice and see what happens. Thanks!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Your welcome Debbie....and good luck :-)

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Would sure seem .. at this point .. that most anything, would be an earnest attempt to save it!
Just don't say any eulogies until well into next Spring!

Give it ample time to try to 'pull thru' on its own ...

Put a good wire basket with orange marking tape on it,
for safety ... and to remind you, where to look & check next year!
She jes mite surprise ya ... Good 'luck' !

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I agree with Magpye....these babies can really surprise you with just how hardy they are. Don't give up on it.

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