Hello boys and girls!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

An old friend performing at the Saltburn Folk Festival.

Thumbnail by Northerner
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

And here is a bird with its feathers ruffled at Stewart Park. Don't know its ID, sorry.

Thumbnail by Northerner
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Ah, I believe it's a Muscovy Duck. Here's another.

Thumbnail by Northerner
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

And here's a goose out for a stroll.

Thumbnail by Northerner
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

And now for men in skirts!!!!

Thumbnail by Northerner
El Cajon, CA(Zone 10a)

love your pictures Northerner, I had a whole lot of muscovy ducks when our boys were young, had them trained not to come near the patio [ messy ...you know] and they stayed way back, largest one a male used to peck me on the leg every morning if I forgot to give him a ''pat on the wings'' he used to ruffle his feathers and give his tail feathers a good shake [ real funny] being quackless they never made any noise [ except that we did not know when a fox had gotten into our garden and they finished up in our neighbors swimming pool, one didn't make it....another one took over sitting on all of their eggs and refused to let the other hens near them.....[ some of them like human beings I guess..] We almost had a farm yard here....[ fun tho]
If I am not mistaken, I think you mentioned Aberdeen recently [Scotland] a lot of my moms family lived there, I remember they lived on King Street, many years ago, long gone now...
Still siblings left but I have not heard for years [ my sister keeps in touch once in a while] I wonder if any of them went to the club you mentioned....My sister would send me tapes of the Alexander Brothers, do you know them ??? I love their music, it makes me homesick tho', strange after all these years. They were a great favourite of my moms....
I should be visiting my surgeon tomorrow but am still feeling like a wet dish rag, my stitches have been driving me crazy so am cutting them out [ cannot wait for them to disolve, the are so disgusting in the mouth] I now have a very painful ear infection, so probably need more anti-biotics....keep well, my regards, marion

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Yes, I'd heard they don't quack. What an odd bird!!!

I used to live in Aberdeen, spent a year there. Lived just off King Street. The Alexander Brothers, they were popular when I was a girl, never seen them though.

Hope your mouth improves soon!

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