Is this a Rose Mallow Hibiscus (Hardy Hibiscus)?

Washington, PA(Zone 6b)

I got it on clearance last year and don't know the name. I know it's hardy just don't know the name. It's awesome though!

Thumbnail by groovytee
Washington, PA(Zone 6b)

Another...same plant but it's more pink...

Thumbnail by groovytee
Oak Grove, MN(Zone 4a)

Definitly hardy hibiscus. I love these guys. I have three in full bloom right now.

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

i have one exactly like that in bloom right now too - but its leaves certainly look ragged compared to yours - do you do anything special to keep them from being eaten?

Washington, PA(Zone 6b)

Nope, I just think that 'they' haven't found it yet, lol...

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

well- i'll try and keep the bugs in SE PA for you!

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

The first one I believe is disco bell pink. the second im not sure.

Washington, PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks handhelpers!

Dravencat, this is the same plant believe it or not. It started out white and now it's pink.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Wow, I named that first photo because I saw that one with an actualy name tag on it , did the flowers change color after the bloom opened or after a bit of blooming. Hope you understand that wasnt sure how to word it.
I will have a disco bell pink one day I willl I will

Washington, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL, nope, it started the year blooming white with a teeny tiny bit of pink then it started blooming pink. Weird huh? It sure it pretty though. I get alot of compliments on it. Here's what you do: Go to Home depot or Lowes or wherever really when they put stuff on clearence. No matter if it's done blooming for the year, it will bloom the next year. I am a frugal shopper, yes I

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL groovytee, thats the same thing I do, and lots of sales goingon now. Yesterday I bought two 12 inch eucaliptus for .99 each, boy was I happy Ive wanted one for so long. The hibiscus I havnt seen on sale yet but then they arent looking ugly yet so it might be a couple more weeks.

Washington, PA(Zone 6b)

The ones at lowes aren't looking too great but I promised my friend one (she lives an hour north and I'm visiting today) so I have no choice but to pay full price. It's ok though, I'll make up for it...

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

At lowes if you find one that looks kinda bad and it could use a little more than just water, you can ask if they will discount it or as I ask "how much will you take for this plant before it dies" LOL. I have gotten some very good deals on plants just by asking, especialy this close to the end of the season. They want everything out to get ready for the holidays. I figure since its almost labor day the Thanksgiving stuff should be out soon. The Halloween stuff is already out, unbalievable.

Washington, PA(Zone 6b)

I've seen Christmas stuff at Wal-mart already! It's been out for almost a month! I can't believe it, it's getting more and more rushed every year... Pretty soon, they won't even get rids of Christmas stuff, it'll be there all year...for your year-round shopping pleasure! lol...

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

LOL I think the same thing, un-ba-lievable.

Coopersburg, PA(Zone 6b)

DC - mine came from a plant swap this spring - so maybe next spring it'll be ready to give you a piece if you can wait that long. it grew so much this year i'm amazed

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh I can wait that long, I still have a Kopper King Im trying to figure our where t put and tons of other stuff. I would love to have one too, loved it when I first saw it.

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